Loving Life TV

Under the World Economic Forum agenda those that survive will be humanoids

There is one thing we cannot deny (as useless eaters) and that is that the World Economic Forum telegraph their punches. Listen to this clip to see how your future will be one of servitude and slavery under a one world government. Two World Economic Forum videos (one in 2016 and the other just last month) spell out our destiny if we don’t take these guys out.

1 thought on “Under the World Economic Forum agenda those that survive will be humanoids”

  1. They have created hiv and zika where zika is a malaria type and the ONLY malaria type that is contagious. They create a problem(s) and then they ‘find’ a solution to that, the communist way. The ‘problem’ gives them access to government funds as to research and to build solutions costing the sucker slave taxpayers millions where their taxes could actually have been lowered with that money. They then go deeper for their gain of function realization process and to further their technology. Thinking of my own brain .. it is such a wilderness of criss cross thoughts and shambles of ideas and topics that for them to read it will be useless uncoordinated information. These brain studies are there to control every move you make and to actually put thought into you and also to switch you off when you have done your/their tasks. The “Build back better” statement of Biden is a direct indication of their intentions as to stop our stage of development and to go back to change it to something better FOR THEM. The Tartarian empire model is repeated here just on a grandeur scale where AI is connected to us all via graphene (666). These fools are so naive as to believe that AI will not classify them as useless eaters also and so get them into its grasp and thus completely change us all into borgs. Behind it all is the deep state alien minds just using these fools to gain THEIR objectives.

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