WESTERN CAPE – The Bellville based Priority Crime Specialised Investigation (PCSI) of the Hawks in a joint effort with National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) secured a preservation order on a vehicle to the value of R59 100-00 in the Western Cape High Court on 08 August 2023.
It is alleged that on 17 March 2022, members of the Hawks South African Narcotics Enforcement Bureau (SANEB) arrested Fabian Jacobs (40) for possession of 82 000 mandrax tablets found inside the boot of a Ford Ikon vehicle. The team seized the drugs worth an estimated value of R 3.2 million as well as the vehicle used in the commission of crime.
Jacobs appeared yesterday in the Wynberg Magistrate’s Court and the criminal case was postponed to 18-20 March 2024 for trial.
Content retrieved from: https://www.saps.gov.za/newsroom/msspeechdetail.php?nid=48018.
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