Loving Life TV

Two accused sentenced for raping a woman

The Bethlehem Regional Court heavily sentenced two young men from Matwabeng near Senekal accused of raping a young woman to 15 years imprisonment each.

During the night of November 2019, the woman was at a certain tavern in Matwabeng with her friends and brother. She left for a while to relieve herself at the toilet. She came back and realized they left her behind. She phoned her brother who said she must come to another tavern nearby their house.

She decided to walk alone in the night to meet her brother at another tavern. On her way she met three males who assaulted and dragged her. They took her to one of the accused’ place where two of the three accused raped her and thereafter ran away. She reported the matter to the police and a docket was investigated by Detective Sergeant Kobedi of Ficksburg Family Violence Child Protection and Sexual Offences Unit.

On 02 November 2023 the two accused, Fusi Mosiuoa(23) and Lebohang Monyamane(23) were found guilty by Bethlehem Regional Court on two counts each of assault with intend to cause grievous bodily harm and rape and were sentenced to 15 years direct imprisonment each.

SAPS Newsroom

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