Both suspects, along with the drugs and cash from their deals, were booked in with SAPS, who now need to investigate it further and prosecute them.
And we will be watching, making sure if it. We will not stop. We will not slow down.
In Ravensmead, following a recent murder, Metro Police wanted to take the leader of the “Horribles” in for profiling but he resisted and a crowd quickly formed, attempting to obstruct and to prevent us from taking him in. Officers came under attack, with several of the vehicles being stoned.
Officers took up defensive positions and managed to arrest 7 persons for public violence.
We have long since declared war on gangsterism. There are those trying to detail our work, for obvious reasons.
We will not give in. We will not be distracted. Let their noise fade into the darkness. We will continue, pushing harder than ever before. Relentless, regardless of how high up it goes, or who is implicated along the way.