Loving Life TV

LIVE: Jacqui Meyer & Faiez Kirsten on the great deception

Faiez is a regular on Loving Life TV and is joined by Jacqui to expose the deception of the elite and their weapons of fake news through the mainstream media resulting in a planned global genocide by the new world order through the US Department of Defence.

FAIEZ Whatsapp links:
Show us the virus https://chat.whatsapp.com/J6Urknf1B6jBSWvEMhEupB

Show us the virus2: https://chat.whatsapp.com/LwXz1fnvi8rHDKo0DsIWly

Broadcast group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/DvnJYdJfEsA9tnzehilvxH

HWP Institute channel: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EoMdX4WLhknA986lG00VmG

HWP Talks: https://chat.whatsapp.com/EOpDbKf8eHk7lJDOKN6Bn9

Jacqui Meyer links:
1. SA United 1 and 2 General discussion

  1. No to mandatory vax 1 and 2 and 3
    Debates on Pharmakia, effectiveness and consequences of experimental gene therapies. Solutions
  2. Weather manipulation 1 and 2
    Causes and effects
    of Geo engineering/weather manipulation on the environment. Solutions
  3. No to GMO 1 and 2
    Cause and effects of genetic modification of our food.
    Preppers advice., gardening
    Alternative solution to shop bought products and produce.
  4. SA Food and Beverage Cooperation 1, 2 and 3
    Providing food security for South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦ by connecting the farmer to the consumer.
    Farm to plate
  5. Non GMO SUPPLIERS Group 1 , 2 and 3
    Suppliers of non GMO products and produce
    Direct from farmer to end user
  6. NO TO Gwen Towers/5G
    Cause and effects plus solutions of modern technology on all living matter and on our environment.
  7. Homeopathic Suppliers Group
    Homeopathic, non GMO remedies, services and products as an alternative to Pharmakia
  8. Suppliers Food /Bev Groups 1 and 2 and 3
    National suppliers of all food groups, all non GMO using sustainable farmering methods.
    Farm to table products/produce proving Food security across South Africa πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦
  9. Common law 1 and 2
    Discusses the legal systems.
    Fiction strawman vs Blacks law.
  10. Wakeup, Getup and stand United 1 and 2
    Summary of all the main points discussed on all the other groups
  11. SA pray 24/7 Food for the soul