Police in Elukwatini are investigating the mysterious death of a 36-year-old mother and her three-year-old son. Police were notified by the community members on Tuesday, 03 January 2023 around 17:00 about the gruesome recovery of two lifeless bodies at their residential house in Nhlazatshe 4.
Police and Emergency personnel responded to the call where upon arrival they found the body of the woman. Next to her was an electric cord.
The minor’s body on the other hand was found in the bathroom with some foam like substance in the mouth.
Both of them were unfortunately certified dead on the scene. A murder case with an additional charge of inquest is being investigated by the police.
The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela was disturbed by the incident and called for members of the public to seek for professional assistance whenever they are overwhelmed with life challenges more especially during this time of the year. The General assured the public that the team of investigators that are assigned to the case will work towards finding the truth surrounding the mysterious deaths.
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