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Dagga weighing 55kg found in vehicle door panels, Tonga

Three suspects aged between 33 and 46 are due to appear before the Nkomazi magistrate’s court on Monday 24 April 2023, for dealing in dagga.

The trio were driving in a white Toyota Grande when they were arrested at Block C near Tonga on Thursday 20 April 2023.

The vigilant SAPS members were performing patrol duties when they noticed a suspicious vehicle with Botswana Registration plates. Vigilant police stopped the vehicle and conducted a search.

Members could smell the scent of dagga but could not find it hence they then decided to take the vehicle to the station for further investigation. Upon arrival at the station they thoroughly searched the vehicle and open the door panels.

Four hundred and eight rolls of dagga weighing 55.355 kg were found stashed in the door panels.

All the three suspects were arrested and the vehicle was impounded for further investigation.

According to Information at police disposal, the consignment was destined to Botswana.

The Provincial Commissioner of Mpumalanga SAPS Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela warned drug traffickers that Mpumalanga routes should not be used as drug corridors as police are always on high alert.

SAPS Newsroom

The post Dagga weighing 55kg found in vehicle door panels, Tonga appeared first on South Africa Today.