Loving Life TV

Rape of girl (12), accused handed 25 year sentence

The Amathole District Commissioner Major General Ngangema Xakavu has welcomed the sentencing and conviction of 47-year-old suspect to 25 years imprisonment by Centane Regional Court on 05 May 2023.

The conviction comes after a 12 year old girl was sexually assaulted by Zukile Siqwana (47) at Mpentse sub-locality of Nxokwana Location in Centane.

The incident was reported to the Police and the suspect was immediately arrested.

He appeared before Centane Magistrate Court on 14 February 2022 and the case was later transferred to Centane Regional Court for trial.

The District Commissioner Major General Ngangema Xakavu has applauded Warrant Officer Mncekeleli Mazula who responded swiftly by arresting the perpetrator and in ensuring that justice is served.

SAPS Newsroom

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