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Police operations in the coastal areas of the Namakwa District yield successes

“Protection of the Northern Cape Ocean environment from all illegal activities is the priority of the SAPS in ensuring a better life for all citizens”, said Colonel Herlan Coghlan, the Provincial Commander for Border Policing when addressing the Operation Phakisa multi-disciplinary parade that commenced in Port Nolloth on the 18 May 2023 and concluded on 21 May 2023.

The execution area included Kleinsee, Groenrivier, Alexander Bay and Hondeklipbaai.

Operation Phakisa activities focused on addressing illegal activities in relation to marine related crimes by monitoring and ensuring strict compliance of the prescribed regulations as well as preventing harvesting and poaching of marine resourcing, including tampering or damage to essential infrastructure which results in substantial economic losses.

The multi-disciplinary team also enforced the law on other criminality committed during the period of the operation.

The operations were executed under the overall Command of Colonel Herlan John Coghlan, the Provincial Commander for Border Policing, supported by different stakeholders.

The Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, the Department of Agriculture, Environmental Affairs, Rural Development and Land Reform, the Department of Water and Sanitation, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy, SARS Customs Unit and SANPARKS actively participated in the planned disruptive actions.

Actions and activities executed included, compliance inspections, vehicle check points (VCP’s), stop and searches, foot patrols along the coastal areas and raids at identified houses for illegal drugs and other commodity smuggling.

Six vehicle check points were conducted on the Port Nolloth / Alexander Bay road and the Port Nolloth / Kleinzee road during which 125 vehicles and 360 persons were stopped and searched.

A number of operational successes were achieved:

9 Fishing permits were inspected at harbours, camping sites, launching pads and businesses visited by the multi-disciplinary law enforcement officials for which a fine to the value of R5 000-00 was issued for contravention of the Marine Living Resources Act.

Numerous traffic fines were issued for traffic violations amounting to R3 800-00.

The team also searched and seized dagga, mandrax and Tik to the value of R1 300-00 and R1 209-00 cash that is believed to be the proceeds of crime.

Six suspects were arrested for dealing and found in possession of drugs.

Law enforcement officials during stop and search activities found blue lace agate stones to the value of R166 000-00 in a vehicle for which the driver could not provide the police with a reasonable explanation.

The stones were confiscated and an enquiry case docket was opened for further investigations.

The integrated approach to fighting crime, including the involvement of the public through the Community Police Forums (CPF’s) always yields positive results in building safer communities.

SAPS Newsroom

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