Loving Life TV

The hypocrisy of the fake mainstream media owned by the one world government

There is going to be a huge collective mind-shift in the fake mainstream media in the next few years when it comes to the subject of pedophilia. My prediction is that under current United Nations moves pushed by the elite “pedophilia” will be replaced with “consent” – regardless the age of the child. Absolutely sick! Oh yes and the Australian pedophile comedian was Rolf Harris.

1 thought on “The hypocrisy of the fake mainstream media owned by the one world government”

  1. The problem is also political parties that latched onto the msm narrative as if the truth flows from them….the dadada party agrees with the msm on the events surrounding the child trafficking in the Ukraine and they say that putin kidnapped children in the Ukraine to take to Russia. The truth….As Biden prepared to unleash the bio-weapons into Russia the preemptive strike of Russia to destroy the labs and nuclear bomb manufacturing plants, discovered the underground facilities and labs and child trafficking network and what did he do to the RESCUED KIDS,,,,…they were taken to facilities to care for them and to try and cure them from diseases etc and those facilities had to be in Russia. So the Biden family turned the story around to accuse Russia of what THEY were doing…a typical nwo (communist nazi) counter attack strategy. The Nazi emblem on military uniforms are seen quite often on pics from the Ukraine that the “Ukranian forces” (Nato and wef forces) and so the dadada party are siding with the High Heel Tap Dancing clown nazi group calling the Putin kidnapping children a war crime where the war crime actually belongs to Biden that traded in children and they may even have been used for experiments to TEST THE BIO-WEAPONS

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