There is a huge split appearing between two arms of Suidlanders. On Monday night I speak to Col Wynand du Toit from Suidlanders about the claims he is making against other members of the organisations leadership. This video has just been released by Simon Roche regarding this topic.
26 June live stream on this topic:
I have constantly warned about Suidlanders and that crook Simon Cockroach. Col Wynand du T
Col Wynand du Toit has finally woken up to what these skelms are up to.
Ag shame , we all feel sorry for poor old Simon. He really knows how to get your sympathy. Love the body language from Simon and the profuse sweating of the brow. Lekker man !!
Very interesting. I wondered if and when Simon would surface in order to respond to the very credible claims made by Wynand. As Simon rightly explains it: DIVORCE PROCEEDINGS … these usually turn very ugly
What the hell has having been baptised got to do with the current situation??? We are overlooking a crucial fact: Simon used to be an ANC member.
Ja Marlena Simon was a very staunch ANC cadre. I have always tried to warn Scott about him for years now.. A verraaier in the midst of Suidlanders. Simon openly admits he is a heavy drinker and also a heavy smoker. Blames his cough and ill health on the cold weather. Ja right ! Pasop vir skelms.