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Provincial Commissioner condemns the fatal shooting of a SAPS Sergeant at Masoyi, police in pursuit of the suspects

NELSPRUIT – The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has strongly condemned an incident in which Sergeant Vusi Elvis Siwela (38) was fatally shot. The member, together with his colleague (who is also a Sergeant) were reportedly attending to a business burglary complaint in progress at Masoyi outside White River when they were attacked in the early hours of today, Monday 21 August 2023 around 00:30. The other member was rushed to hospital after sustaining gunshot wounds.

A report by the Police indicates that members of the SAPS at Masoyi responded to a call, where a Supermarket a place called Chochocho was broken into by armed suspects. After obtaining information about the burglary, the two members rushed to the scene where they were confronted with a hail of bullets from the armed suspects. It was during this time when the two members were shot and sadly, Sergeant Siwela succumbed to gunshot wounds whilst his colleague sustained some injuries.

It was later established that the suspects gained entry to the supermarket after detonating some explosives on its doors. The suspects are said to have stolen an undisclosed amount of cash as well as some cigarettes from the said supermarket.

Sergeant Siwela was stationed at Masoyi Visible Policing at the time of his passing.

Police urge anyone with information that may assist in apprehending the perpetrators of this heinous crime to call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111. Alternatively members of the public can send information via MySAPS App. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.

Meanwhile the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has sent a message of condolences to the family of the member whilst wishing a speedy recovery to the injured member. The General further vowed to ensure that those responsible are hunted down and soon brought to book. “We are very much concerned about the incidents of police killings in the province. The public should remember that these members are assigned to protect them. The killing of police officials undermines the efforts by the State to prevent, combat and investigate crime. We therefore urge members of the public to help us put these perpetrators where they belong before it’s too late, “said the General.

Content retrieved from: https://www.saps.gov.za/newsroom/msspeechdetail.php?nid=47927.

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