Our hard working Forum admin, Nat Quinn, is taking a well earned weekend break – so I will post the link to the main Forum page so that you can explore …
Latest new videos on Loving Life TV:
Have a look at the videos posted today:
- DAILY INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO (17 September 2023) – There was Jesus
- Where were the fake mainstream media in South Africa over this devastating fire in a white community (victims of the ANCs racist BEE policy)
- That hamburger and fries from McDonalds or KFC chicken and fries probably originated from one of Bill Gates GMO farms or 3D print factories
- If you live in the east rand Bonaero Park – Kempton park area of Johannesburg don’t hold your breath to get your power back – look at what the vandals did
- Series of mini tsunamis hit South Africas garden route coast east of Cape Town
- Dr Peter McCullough addresses the European Union Parliament Strasbourg on 13 September 2023 (highly censored footage)
- Time to take out the trash and I am talking about President Cyril Ramaphosa
Live Streams:
Monday night’s Live Stream (Starting 8pm Johannesburg time):
If you know of someone who has an important story to tell or information about South Africa (politics, business, etc.) that the world should know about please E-Mail Marlena at: livestreams@lovinglifetv.com
If you have or know of YouTube channels or other Alternative Media channels covering South African news that could be considered for inclusion in our Contributing Channels please E-Mail Scott at: host@lovinglifetv.com
Go and check out our amazing Forums:
If you would like a forum, related to South Africa, to be added to our Forums please email Nat at: forums@lovinglifetv.com
Current Forums can be seen at: https://lovinglifetv.com/forums
Please forward this E-Mail widely and encourage your friends, family and contacts to Register on Loving Life TV by clicking on this LINK.
Scott Balson
Host Loving Life TV (https://www.lovinglifetv.com)
Whatsapp: +61407477609 Email: homestays@gmail.com