The Police in Calcutta are investigating another shooting incident which has left two people dead (aged 24 and 38) and two other victims, aged 46 and 11 are fighting for their lives in hospital. The incident is said to have occurred in the evening of Tuesday, 26 September 2023 around 19h30 at a place called Nhlalakahle Trust near Calcutta.
According to a report two armed men entered the premises then opened fire indiscriminately. It was during this time when the four were shot. Thereafter, the two suspects fled the scene, leaving behind the victims bleeding profusely.
Police at Calcutta as well as paramedics were called to the scene and upon arrival the two victims were unfortunately certified dead meanwhile the other two that sustained gunshot wounds were taken to hospital for medical treatment.
Police opened a case with two counts of murder as well as two counts of attempted murder.
An investigation team has already been established, under the leadership of the Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela to probe this terrifying incident with a hope to arrest perpetrators thereof.
The two victims that were sadly murdered have since been identified as Mr Bhekifa Mokoena (24) and Mr Absalom Nkuna (38).
Preliminary investigation by the Police indicates that the place where the shooting took place was a tarven at some stage but it seems as if it was no longer operational. Circumstances surrounding this incident will form part of the investigation. The motive for the shooting is unknown at this stage.
No one has been arrested so far however police urge anyone with information that may assist in apprehending the perpetrators to call the Crime Stop number at 08600 10111 or send information via MYSAPSAPP. All received information will be treated as confidential and callers may opt to remain anonymous.
The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has vehemently condemned this incident. “We are deeply concerned about these fatal shooting incidents which have taken place at Calcutta policing area in the past days. We are confident that all perpetrators of this heinous crimes will swiftly be brought to book. Members of the public can play a critical role in solving these cases, especially if they somehow heard or saw something that may assist investigators,” said the General.
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