Loving Life TV

Farmers in South Africa can now rest more easily as Loving Life’s activism in supporting Petrus Sitho now comes to fruition

On 31 January 2024 a pivotal chat between Scott Balson of Loving Life TV and Llewellynn H. of Afriforum, who heads up their farm attack and murders section, resulted in the opportunity for an amazing God-given alliance for South Africa’s food security.

31 Jan coverage of Sitho at Groblersdal: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/01/31/live-petrus-sitho-on-the-racial-powder-keg-at-groblersdal-south-africa/
Petrus Sitho protest allegedly sabotaged by Afriforum 11 October 2023 (Brits): https://lovinglifetv.com/2023/10/11/live-despite-attempts-by-afriforum-to-sabotage-the-event-petrus-sitho-led-a-large-protest-in-brits-to-police-minister-bheki-cele-who-signed-a-memorandum-on-farm-attacks-and-murders-in-south-africa/
Activist Petrus Sitho phones Police Minister Bheki Cele about overt action against white farmers and protesters by the South African Police Service and judiciary (resulting in Justice Minister Lamola and Police Minister Bheki Cele attending Groblersdal court hearing: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/01/25/activist-petrus-sitho-phones-police-minister-bheki-cele-about-overt-action-against-white-farmers-and-protesters-by-the-south-african-police-service/
Is Groblersdal the Rubicon that Petrus Sitho will cross to eventually gain the support of the boers in his quest against farm murders: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/01/28/is-groblersdal-the-rubicon-that-petrus-sitho-will-cross-to-eventually-gain-the-support-of-the-boers-in-his-quest-against-farm-murders/
Russel Brand – Tucker Carlson video on media deception: https://lovinglifetv.com/2024/01/31/one-of-the-most-brilliant-explanations-of-the-modern-world-russell-brand-sits-with-tucker-carlson-for-explosive-interview/

2 thoughts on “Farmers in South Africa can now rest more easily as Loving Life’s activism in supporting Petrus Sitho now comes to fruition”

  1. Negotiating with the ANC and the EFF is like negotiating with a terrorist organization. A waste of time. Ramaphosa says there are no farm murders. What is he hiding and why ?

    1. They want the whites off the farms and they will not stop, TRUST ME. Cele, Ramadollar, and EFF are in one plate. Petrus will not get anything right. The communists hate whites and it will not change. SCOTT puts his head wrong. A few months ago CELE and Mal-lema sat together next to each other in the Court about farm murders. Remember DINGAAN

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