Loving Life TV

Hijacked Vehicle Recovered/Victim Stabbed: Mawothi – KZN

The driver of a black VW Polo was stabbed during a hijacking in Mawothi – KZN this afternoon (Thursday).

A passerby contacted Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) requesting assistance for the victim. Reaction Officers were immediately dispatched and arrived on scene at approximately 14:29. Officers met with the victim who explained that he is employed as a E-Hailing driver.

He uplifted a customer from Whitehouse in Phoenix – KZN and transported him to a primary school in Mawothi – KZN. Four men jumped into the vehicle when he reached the destination. They demanded valuables and instructed him to drive to an unpaved road. The victim refused to comply which resulted in an altercation during which he was stabbed on his right hand. The suspects forced him out of the car and sped off. Reaction Officers set out in search of the vehicle and recovered it abandoned in the nearby vicinity.

The front bumper, battery, R1000 in cash and the victim’s cellphone were stolen….

Read more on Arrive Alive

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