Loving Life TV

Successes in Jeffrey’s Bay with disrupting abalone poaching

The confiscation of abalone poaching equipment by members from Kouga Abalone Task team assisted by the Stock Theft Unit is deemed a success, disrupting abalone poaching, a threat to marine life along the coastline.

Members reacted swiftly, attending to a complaint on a farm in the Jeffrey’s Bay precinct and on arrival at the scene an abandoned rubber duck boat was found on the beach. On further investigation and search police found bags containing abalone, diving cylinders, and other diving equipment hidden in a sand dune. They confiscated 2069 de-shelved abalone, 197 shelved abalone, three chucking tools, 12 diving cylinders, six weight belts, one rubber duck boat and two boat engines.

All these items estimated to value R1.5 Million Rand were confiscated for further investigation.

SAPS Newsroom

The post Successes in Jeffrey’s Bay with disrupting abalone poaching appeared first on South Africa Today.