Detective Sergeant Dire Michael Ramasimong (47), is scheduled to appear in the Carletonville Magistrates’ Court on Thursday, 04 April 2024, for allegations of compromising a planned Hawks’ disruptive operation targeting illegal mining syndicates in October 2021.
Ramasimong is said to have tipped-off identified individuals who were objects of the Serious Organised Crime Investigation on that particular afternoon. A case was registered in August of 2023. The resultant investigation led to a charge of defeating the administration of justice.
According to the probe one of the suspects reportedly spotted an unmarked Hawks’ vehicle in the area and contacted the Sergeant to do a system check on the vehicle. The information was passed on to the syndicate resulting in the operation being derailed.
The allegations were fully investigated; the docket was submitted to the Directorate for Public Prosecution for decision that has led to the summons being issued for Ramasimong on Monday, 04 March 2024.
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