Latest new videos on Loving Life TV:
Have a look at the videos posted today:
- DAILY INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO (9 May 2024) – Dream a little dream of me
- Two AI call centre bots fight during a human customer call
- Eugenicist Bill Gates admits that the covid bioweapon has self assembling nano technology
- While the fight against the BELA Bill goes on in South Africa this is now a common sight in the classroom and the demise of multistory buildings
- Outlandish response from South African billionaire Rob Hersov results in a new potential affiliation between Loving Life TV and SA Good News – thanks Rob
- Presenter: Faiez Kirsten: Captured by the beast – Excerpt from a talk given at Oude Molen Eco Village, Pinelands, Cape Town South Africa, April 2021
If you know of someone who has an important story to tell or information about South Africa (politics, business, etc.) that the world should know about please E-Mail Marlena at: livestreams@lovinglifetv.com
If you have or know of YouTube channels or other Alternative Media channels covering South African news that could be considered for inclusion in our Contributing Channels please E-Mail Scott at: host@lovinglifetv.com
- CLICK HERE for A world of wealth FREE DOWNLOADABLE PDF Library
- Featured Pdf File: The_Discovery_of_the_Unconscious_-_Henri_Ellenberger-FREE DOWNLOADABLE PDF FILE – Loving Life TV
New Topics on the Forums:
- America and Russia really stuffed things up for both Europe and the Whites in Africa-HISTORY REVIEWED-JAN LAMPRECHT – Loving Life TV
- To Friends of the Reformation Society-DR PETER HAMMOND – Loving Life TV
- Would you like to receive a complimentary Review copy of the new A Case for Secession book ?-DR PETER HAMMOND – Loving Life TV
- Employee of Durban’s water and sanitation division shot dead on municipal premises-Andre Smit – Loving Life TV
- Baby kidnapped in KZN: Domestic worker arrested-Andre Smit – Loving Life TV
- What will happen to Shell petrol stations in South Africa-Staff Writer – Loving Life TV
- South Africans paying between R340 and R600 in tax every time they fill up-Myles Illidge – Loving Life TV
- Deaths piling up! Do the global predators really want to kill us?- Peter and Ginger Breggin — Exposing the Global Predators – Loving Life TV
- The World That Was- China, Elon Musk, Hamas, Israel, Nato, Tesla, USA – Loving Life TV
New videos linked from the forum:
- Neil Oliver: Evil, Evil Evil! – Loving Life TV
- Dancing For The White Monopoly Capital – Loving Life TV
- George Building Collapse | Efforts continue to rescue trapped workers – Loving Life TV
- These Charts Show How Big the Banking and Housing Crisis Is – Loving Life TV
- Ireland REVOLTING Over Mass Migration | Lauren Southern – Loving Life TV
- Scott Ritter Dire Warning: “Nuclear Crisis Imminent – Russia Prepares for Unthinkable in Ukraine” – Loving Life TV
- Something Mind-Blowing Is Coming!! – Loving Life TV
- Covert Genetically Modified Organisms – Loving Life TV
- Radio Communication Basics – Loving Life TV
- The Dark Web | Black Market Trade | Cyber Crime | Crime | Alpha Bay – Loving Life TV
- C&SW.201.VIKING BOER–CULTS WATCH –The Most Secret Society in the World – Loving Life TV
- CW.355.VIKING BOER–CHINA WATCH – China’s Hidden Worlds – Loving Life TV
- Q&A.294.THE BIBLE – What Jesus Said About God – Loving Life TV
If you would like a forum, related to South Africa, to be added to our Forums please email Nat at: forums@lovinglifetv.com
Current Forums can be seen at: https://lovinglifetv.com/forums
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Scott Balson
Host Loving Life TV (https://www.lovinglifetv.com)
Whatsapp: +61407477609 Email: homestays@gmail.com