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Have a look at the videos posted today:
- DAILY INSPIRATIONAL VIDEO (10 May 2024) – You raise me up – babies
- Ed Dowd, a financial expert, unpacks why fiat money is dead and CBDCs are the tool of enslavement by the NWO
- Presenter Urban Bug: Farm Murders and Attacks April 2024 – Part 1
- The extraordinary damage being done to school children who use smart mobile phones in the classroom
If you know of someone who has an important story to tell or information about South Africa (politics, business, etc.) that the world should know about please E-Mail Marlena at: livestreams@lovinglifetv.com
If you have or know of YouTube channels or other Alternative Media channels covering South African news that could be considered for inclusion in our Contributing Channels please E-Mail Scott at: host@lovinglifetv.com
New Topics on the Forums:
- Our elections are a farce. We will be electing highly paid jokers.-DR RAPITI – Loving Life TV
- The ‘rooi gevaar’: it’s not okay to be a socialist BY Martin Van Staden – Loving Life TV
- A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO LYN(The Prayerful Vigilant Discerner)AND CORRIE ZEEF – Loving Life TV
- Beloved social media star, Sammy Hall’s grandmother and carer attacked in their home-Andre Smit – Loving Life TV
- Family fighting hand and Nail against attackers – Loving Life TV
- Four Zim nationals arrested in Pretoria with suspected fake oil products-by Simon Majadibodu – Loving Life TV
- Man has heart attack on crime scene by Wanda Olivier – Loving Life TV
- List of countries for visa rejections ‘shows bias towards Africa’-by Nick Pawson – Loving Life TV
- Not white South African working on passenger ferry ‘stabs people with medical scissors’-Andre Smit – Loving Life TV
- The Ghost of Uniondale-Andre Smit – Loving Life TV
- South Africans are abandoning smallholder farming-By Klara Fischer – Loving Life TV
- Ramaphosa signs new hate speech law for South Africa – Loving Life TV
- South Africa to shut down power stations – Loving Life TV
- Andre de Ruyter says ‘Eskom is not fixable’-Bianke Neethling – Loving Life TV
- SA’s worst SOEs: First prize goes to … by Adriaan Kruger – Loving Life TV
New videos linked from the forum:
- James Roguski Explains the WHO’s Proposed Pandemic Preparedness Agreement – Loving Life TV
- Just a little update on what is going on. Thank you so much for everyones thoughts and prayers. We appreciate you all. I will keep you guys posted and stay safe out there.-ELDERLY HOME INVASION – Loving Life TV
- Zimbabwe Drought | Revised aid appeal as impact of El Niño worsens – Loving Life TV
- Scott Ritter Unmasks: “Russia’s Ultimatum to Ukraine: Unconditional Surrender or Suffer?” – Loving Life TV
- ISIS = MOSSAD (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service) – 100% PROOF – Loving Life TV
- Dozens still trapped in South Africa building collapse | BBC News – Loving Life TV
- The Lord Never Judge Us As A Sinner – Loving Life TV
- Accelerating Toward the AI Singularity: A Glimpse into the Future – Hugo de Garis – Loving Life TV
- OPP arrest 64 suspects in child sexual exploitation investigation – Loving Life TV
- When You Just DON’T Care! – Loving Life TV
- Victoria street tradegy: Dr Imtiaz Sooliman address the 72-hour rule – Loving Life TV
- Boeing 767 cargo plane lands on nose after landing gear failure – Loving Life TV
- This 30 min Bobby Kennedy video is being censored on Facebook and Instagram. Narrated by Woody Harrelson, it gives a broad look at Kennedy’s life, values, and career, while revealing the lengths to which those who profit from corruption will go to maintain the status quo. – Loving Life TV
- IW.766.VIKING BOER–ISRAEL WATCH – Israeli Tanks Enter Rafah – Loving Life TV
- IW.765.VIKING BOER–ISRAEL WATCH –Israel Ambassador To UN Powerful Speech – Loving Life TV
If you would like a forum, related to South Africa, to be added to our Forums please email Nat at: forums@lovinglifetv.com
Current Forums can be seen at: https://lovinglifetv.com/forums
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Scott Balson
Host Loving Life TV (https://www.lovinglifetv.com)
Whatsapp: +61407477609 Email: homestays@gmail.com