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Vehicle recovered after it was forcefully taken by armed suspects in a house robbery incident in Sabie

Law enforcement agencies continue to work collaborately in tackling crime whilst carrying out duties pertaining to ongoing IEC processes after residents casted their votes. As a result, a white Toyota Fortuner was recovered in the early hours of this morning, Friday 31 May 2024 after it was forcefully taken by armed suspects in a house robbery incident at Sabie earlier today, between 02:00 and 03:00.

According to a report, members of a certain family were asleep in the house when they were awaken by a noise and only to realize that there were armed suspects who had already entered the house somehow.

It is further said that these suspects became very aggressive whilst they held the victims at gunpoint. In the process, the suspects ordered the victims to remain calm and threatened to kill them if they did not comply. Their assailants reportedly helped themselves with the victims’ belongings then demanded car keys for the Toyota Fortuner.

After loading the stolen items the victims were then forced into the vehicle with their one-year-old baby.

They later abandoned the victims in a secluded area onbthe R37 Sabie/Hendricksdal Road. The suspects fled with the stolen items, using the said vehicle whilst leaving the victims to fend for themselves.

Later, the victims somehow managed to walk until they reached a place where they got assistance whereby law enforcement agencies, including members of the SANDF, SAPS, and Tracking companies were alerted about the incident.

These astute members mobilized their resources and tracked the stolen vehicle.

At about 06h20 am, the team managed to recover the vehicle, which was found abandoned next to the borderline at Goba in the Nkomazi area.

Be as it may, the investigation by the police continues with a hope to arrest the perpetrators and recover other properties that were robbed from the victims.

The Provincial Commissioner of the SAPS in Mpumalanga, Lieutenant General Semakaleng Daphney Manamela has welcomed the recovery of the vehicle. “As we indicated that we will not neglect our primary duties of ensuring safety for members of the public and their property. This incident has proven that indeed we are committed and true to our call, “said the General.

SAPS Newsroom

The post Vehicle recovered after it was forcefully taken by armed suspects in a house robbery incident in Sabie first appeared on South Africa Today.