Loving Life TV

Undocumented Congolese national convicted for illegal poaching and money laundering

Kipampa has been awaiting trial from February 2023, whilst his co-accused were released on bail. Kipampa and his co-accused were arrested by the Hawks during the investigation of project Blood Orange.

During his brief appearance before court today, Kipampa pleaded guilty to all charges.

The Hawks Asset Forfeiture Investigation of the Priority Crime Specialised Investigation was granted a Preservation order for R5 million today, Wednesday, 15 January 2025. After reaching a plea agreement with the state, the accused Francis Kipampa pleaded guilty and was sentenced.

The offences are taken as one for purposes of sentence.

The accused is sentenced to eighteen (18) years imprisonment, of which eight (8) years are suspended for five (5) years on the following conditions:

That the accused is not convicted of the following offences:

– Contravening sections 18(2)(a) of the Riotous Assemblies Act 17 of 1956: Conspiracy to commit crime;

– Contravening section 57(1) of the National Environmental Management Biodiversity Act 10 of 2004 or similar provincial legislation: Executing a prohibited act in connection with specially protected- or protected species;

– Contravening sections 4, 5, or 6 of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act 121 of 1998: Money laundering;

– Contravening section 49(1)(a) of the Immigration Act 13 of 2002: Entering/staying/ leaving the Republic of South Africa without the necessary documents prescribed in the Act;

Committed during the period of suspension.

Advocate Kobus Van Der Walt of National Prosecuting Authority’s Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU) brought a confiscation order in terms of Section 18 of POCA Act 121 of 1998 to the value of R5 million as derived from his unlawful Activities.

The Mpumalanga Provincial Head of the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, Major General Nico Gerber, was delighted with both the arrest and the sentence. He said that the annihilation of our Rhino population by individuals for self-enrichment will not be tolerated. “The Hawks in Mpumalanga will do all it can to arrest and ensure conviction of those on the wrong side of the law. We will go after the proceeds generated through illegal activities with all the means at our disposal,” concluded the General.

SAPS Newsroom