British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is a beneficiary of the vaccine rollout and since being elected Prime Minister has been facilitating the use of Moderna experimental jabs and business despite the fact the business he set up is the major shareholder in Bill Gates’ company. See:
2 thoughts on “Vaccine injured tell their devastating stories before huge crowds in the UK”
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It is time to stop talking and protesting. The time has come to capture these evil bastards and destroy them. We the people are more than them
I get to upset and mad at the gov for doing this to people people that had it and are ok for now won’t people to get it. I have not and won’t. But looks like war coming anyways. It may just save people. Sick to think this way but not one person is standing up and going on the streets everyday to stop it. I would stand and fight if there was others around me that did it too. I do say stuff to people I’m not silent. I guess it only a matter of time before people see their love one die then they will l guess.