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  • #392528
    Nat Quinn
    I see you are in the clouds about the Johannesburg High Court’s finding this week that Kenny Kunene uttered hate speech towards you when he described you as a “frog” and a “cockroach”.
    You say it is wrong to dehumanize people because dehumanizing your enemies is a logical precedent for genocide.
    You refer to Hitler who referred to Jews as rats before he started the massive extermination of Jews in concentration camps.
    You are referring to the Rwandan genocide of Tutsi’s by Hutu’s and the fact that national radio services referred to the Tutsis as cockroaches during the slaughter of millions of Tutsis in the country.
    You’re referring to the era of colonization, when Europeans saw indigenous peoples of Africa as barbarians with no civilization, without a history, and without basic humanity that had to be colonized to give them access to “humanity”.
    Up to here you are quite right and I even agree with you.
    But now the big question: If you then know what is right, why do you do the opposite?
    My firm and I have been litigating against you for 13 years about the songs you sing, the things you say and the mean things you do.
    My firm and I have been litigating against you for 13 years about the songs you sing, the things you say and the mean things you do.
    When the hate song “Dubhula iBhunu” was sung at your birthday party in March 2010 you knew that Boer is a name sometimes used with affinity but mostly with disgust for Africans become.
    Did you know that the song’s words refer to Farmers as “dogs” that “rape” your people. That they are “cowards” that should be “shot”. You degrade Afrikaners every time you encourage your jilling followers to sing the song.
    All these things you know, but you still do what you do.
    After Judge Colin Lamont in September 2011 found you committed hate steeds speech you openly trolled the court, enjoying your supporters outside the court still singing the hate song and openly disdain the court.
    When the parties finally reached a settlement, with your consent, suddenly you were just in-law when the agreement had to be signed.
    With the mediation talks conducted in 2012 at the urgency of the then president of the Court of Appeal, Justice Lex Mpati, you were visibly unbothered and annoyed at the fact that there were people sincerely trying to bridge over the division that you unintentionally provoked. Like a school kid who has to say sorry for something he did wrong, you hang around there.
    When the parties finally reached a settlement, with your consent, suddenly you were just in-law when the agreement had to be signed.
    You let us know you had to “write an exam” and you gave Gwede Mantashe, who was still the ANC’s Secretary General, the authority to sign on your behalf. Needless to say, Julius, but when legal teams argued in subsequent court cases that you were a party to and gave Mantashe the power to sign on your behalf, you denied being bound by it.
    Julius, you are dishonest.
    You are not just dishonest about this. You are dishonest when it comes to your business operations. On-Point Trading, the Ratanang family trust, your millions of debt to the income service and VBS Bank are just a few of the skeletons in the closet, but you have your mouth full about Jacob Zuma and Cyril Ramaphosa.
    You have no conscience.
    Rubric written by Willie Spies for Beeld of February 3, 2023.
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