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Home Forums HISTORY REVIEWED-JAN LAMPRECHT Video: Why South Africa Is Deepening Ties With Russia – My Comments -JAN LAMPRECHT-HISTORY REVIEWED

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  • #394823
    Nat Quinn
    [I’m amazed that anyone finds this to be a surprise. This is an excellent short video from India. I don’t find any of these things surprising at all. The links between Russia and China go back to Communism. Both were Communist superpowers. South Africa’s Black ANC ruling party are COMMUNISTS. In fact: Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia), Mozambique, Angola and Namibia (former German South West Africa) are *ALL* ruled by Black Communists who have ties with Russia and China. In this video they show the links between South Africa’s ANC and the Russians and Apartheid. People forget that in the 1990s when Nelson Mandela was the President, that the Russian Airforce flew to South Africa and had manoeuvres here. They even announced that South Africa and Russia would share tank technology. (The sharing of tank technology never happened, but it was announced). *ALL* the Blacks in the southern African countries I’ve mentioned above received military training and weapons from Russia for decades. Jan]


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