CIA operatives don’t have name tags proclaiming their position in the Central Intelligence Agency – they come as wolves hidden in sheep’s clothing. These very smart and psychopathic individuals are the foot soldiers of the one world government. Listen to John Perkins explain how it works. Victoria Nuland a CIA operative is planning to visit South Africa soon – it was Nuland who chose the US friendly former President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, following the 2014 CIA orchestrated overthrow of the Russian friendly Viktor Fedorovych Yanukovych. Look at what has happened to Ukraine today – do you want this to happen in South Africa?
1 thought on “Former CIA operative John Perkins spells out how the big corporations use the CIA to loot your country”
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CIA have their tentacles well intrenched all over the world, while the average citizen always thought they are there to investigate serious cases and protect the country