The police in Giyani have launched a search operation to locate a 27-year-old woman Tintswalo Baloyi and her 7-month-old baby, residing at Dzingidzingi Village, who went missing on Saturday 07 October 2023.
According to the information, Tintswalo was last seen leaving her home to go shopping in Giyani town and she has since disappeared.
She was last seen wearing a yellow dress. It is unknown what colour clothes her toddler was wearing.
Family, friends, and the neighbourhood searched unsuccessfully.
Anyone with information about her whereabouts can contact Investigating Officer Sergeant Vuma Shirhandziwa Anastasia on 0795728709, Crime Stop number 0860010111, the nearest police station, or by sharing information on the MySAPS App.
Content retrieved from SAPS.
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