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    C&SW.223.VIKING BOER – CULTS WATCH – Satanism Goes Mainstream
    Satanism Goes Mainstream: This Is Twisted | Katy Perry, Billie Eilish, Lil Nas X, & MORE

    May 12, 2023
    In modern, secular music, Satanism is becoming increasingly prevalent. In this video, Bryan Osborne sheds light on the implications of this trend, the underlying reasons for its emergence, and what we can do about it as Christians.
    Celebrities Interacting With Demons!? How to Stay Free from Demonic Activity! | Shawn Bolz

    Shawn Bolz covers the topic of celebrities who have had demonic encounters or are experiencing oppression or even oppression.

    It’s part of our reality as believers. Satan is real and demonic activity can be discerned, but this unseen realm is often met with skepticism or by just plain old fear. Many people have had encounters with the demonic, even possession and don’t know that they are operating outside God’s original intention and that His blessing can’t share space with demonic activity. What do you do when you start to discern the demonic? What do you do if you have night terrors or even sleep paralysis because of a demon? We are in the spooky month so we are going to cover celebrities who have or are encountering demons and then I am going to tell you what you can do if you have your own encounters so you don’t have to live with oppression. Tune in!
    The Occult Is All Around You! Celebrities Who Practice & What To Do In Your Own Life! | Shawn Bolz

    Nov 1, 2023 Shawn Bolz Vlogs
    Shawn Bolz shares: The occult is all around you…famous people who practice it & what to do in your own life! Beware of the occult all around you, you might be entertaining demons unaware.

    There is such a real hunger for the supernatural right now, that the occult is surrounding us in culture. Not only do occult themes fill video games, TV shows, movies, music, but we are starting to see more themes come into our schools like After School Satan clubs recruiting kids to their groups on high school campuses.

    I remember when the occult panic of the 80s hit and there were some very real influencers celebrating and promoting the occult, but a lot of what was being reported in Christian circles was also hyped versions of one off experiences or even exaggerated circumstances. Gone are those days where there was nothing behind the panic. The occult is being practiced very openly and those who are practicing it have an agenda.

    The counterfeit of the occult which promises power, favor, bypassing processes to get you to success faster, allowing you to bend and manipulate the world around you to your own desires or what you think is right, these things are not how God intended us to work but when you see who God is and what He offers through Jesus….the goodness of God and the empowerment we get to have forever is so beyond that! Don’t believe me? Give Him a try and see what happens!

    If you have someone in your life struggling in the occult, let’s pray for them together and be each other’s prayer team. Leave their name below and we can be each other’s youtube prayer chain. Tune in!

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