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Home Forums LETTERS OF INTEREST-SUBSCRIBERS INPUT The shocking truth about the Great Tribulation

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  • #796
    Nat Quinn

    This 3-part series is concise, easy to understand and really important, as there is so much deception in the world about this subject.





    I don’t agree !!!
    Although Doug Batchelor is quoting all the scriptures and various things around the tribulation he is messing up the timeline completely and confuses people who have not studied prophecies and the end time in deep.
    Nowhere did he mention the Antichrist not even once and his timeline on the seven years is screwed up nicely.
    Even the rapture comes under the hammer and he just conveys what is written by Ellan G White from her books which the 7-day advents [SDA] must follow.
    There is no sound doctrine in the teaching of the SDA church and therefore I label Dough Batchelor a false teacher because he is following the teaching of their leader Ellan G. White.

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