Loving Life TV

Covid Scam Exposed

German Prof Stefan Homburg addresses the German Parliament about the covid scam

iFrame is not supported! The me too movement (like this German Professor) are only now starting to speak out after the covid scam has been exposed by alternative media like Loving Life. Listen to what he says – exactly what had our four channels on Youtube taken down in in 2020 and 2021. Where was …

German Prof Stefan Homburg addresses the German Parliament about the covid scam Read More »

CNN presenter, Chris Cuomo, gets destroyed in a public debate over covid – and a doctor explains why the health industry and doctors are no longer trusted

iFrame is not supported! Interesting how the reporters from the legacy mainstream media are now trying to pretend that they never supported the roll out of the bioweapon – take Chris Cuomo (#metoo) as an example. Cuomo’s credibility is systematically destroyed by the man he is debating. The damage to the medical industry is also …

CNN presenter, Chris Cuomo, gets destroyed in a public debate over covid – and a doctor explains why the health industry and doctors are no longer trusted Read More »

Lest we forget: the shame file of political leaders and celebrities who pushed the covid bioweapon – may their victims rest in peace

iFrame is not supported! In the video attached are dozens of so-called celebrities and political leaders who used their influence to coerce millions of people to take the experimental use bioweapon. Where are they now on this issue? Simple answer – hoping their role in killing and harming millions will simply be forgotten. NO IT …

Lest we forget: the shame file of political leaders and celebrities who pushed the covid bioweapon – may their victims rest in peace Read More »