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2022-11-30 at 23:59 #384548
Nat Quinn
KeymasterThe Rainbow Serpent is Satan – Do not be Deceived
People are claiming to be gods today because the serpent (a demon) has possessed them. This is why the King of Tyre thought he was God too, because the Rainbow Serpent (Satan) possessed him making him think he was wise. Wisdom is a common theme in the New Age, they do not realize their wisdom…Continue Reading →
Allah is the 666 – Counting the number of a man “Six” reveals his name
Rev 13:16 And the second beast performed great signs to cause even fire from heaven to come down to earth in the presence of the people. Because of the signs it was given to perform on behalf of the first beast, it deceived those who dwell on the earth, telling them to make an image to…Continue Reading →
New Age TV brainwashing to make you bow to the Serpent Creator of Hinduism
Revelation 12:3,3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads We are not watching movies we are being brainwashed daily to worship the 7 headed Dragon-Serpent of the New Age and Hindu doctrine. They are subconsciously programming us to…Continue Reading →
The Return of the Serpent gods
The New Age Theosophical society has been brainwashing the whole world through movies (and Symbolism) to have us accept and put our faith in their coming Serpent gods (Ascendants Masters, fake aliens & Ufos) which they believe will return to earth to enlighten mankind, which simply means telling us the Bible and religion is a…Continue Reading →
The Luciferin United Nations of Theosophy
Hitler Theosophy and the United Nations Hitler’s ideas of a master race, of Eugenics, of inferior races came from the New Age teachings of Helena Blavatsky. She was a Mystic New Ager who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875. She taught that Sanat Kumara “Lucifer” rules the world as an Ascendant master of wisdom and…Continue Reading →
The Supreme Moon God of Arabia – Athtar (Astarte)
https://www.britishmuseum.org/collection/term/BIOG61833 THE MOON GOD ATHTAR (ASTARTE) WAS AND STILL IS THE SUPREME GOD OF ARABIAMUSLIMS NEED TO KNOW WHO ALLAH REALLY IShttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attar_(god) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EMkqf_7_w0 The other name for Athtart is the biblical name Astarte or Ashtoreth the consort of Baal, which makes Athtart=Astarte=Ashtoreth=Inanna=Ishtar=Aphrodite and the female Baal. https://www.worldhistory.org/astarte/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Astarte https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Ugaritic_deities The Crescent Moon and star Venus…Continue Reading →
TRANSHUMANISM – DNA Editing the Pinnacle of Sin
They made us sick with fluoride, pesticides, cell radiation and GMOs. Then they forced us to take the jab, which has now created a global epidemic of disorders. And who gains from all these disorders? You guessed right, Big Pharma. But did you think that was their end game? No, they gave you disorders for…Continue Reading →
The Glory of God the Shekinah the Son
He is called The Son/Word in Christianity and the Shekinah-The Glory in Judaism. He has always been the manifest and visible image of the invisible hidden Father. Who rides the Cherubim? THE GLORY THE MAN not the FatherPsalm 18:10 He mounted a cherub and flew Ezekiel 9:3 “And 👉the glory of the God of Israel…Continue Reading →
God promised his KINGDOM, throne and global rulership to David and his son’s (Jesus) forever. The only way to enter this eternal Kingdom is by putting your faith in the King of the Kingdom, Jesus Christ, giving him your complete allegiance & obedience to his royal commands of repentance and baptism etc. Will you accept?…Continue Reading →
Are you Israel the Bride/Wife of God?
GOD IS THE GROOM GETTING MARRIED TO ISRAEL Prophet Hosea 2:16 said: In that day (future wedding day) …“you (Israel) will call me MY HUSBANDyou will no longer call me ‘my master.’ Hosea 2:19 I will make you MY WIFE forever SEE IT’S GOD WHO IS GETTING MARRIED TO ISRAELBUT JESUS SAYS “I AM THE…Continue Reading →
Muslims say: Jesus came only for the Lost Sheep of Israel – But Israel was always Jews & Gentiles
Gentiles have been joining Israel and becoming God’s people (the sheep) since the time of Moses. Who said Gentiles were excluded from becoming God’s people (the sheep Israel?) and partaking in their covenants? No one denied gentiles access to the promises God gave to Israel. You have denied yourself, because you did not want to…Continue Reading →
The Heavenly Man – Christ the Image of God
Muslims imitate and mirror the image of an earthly imperfect man Muhammad, who is dead and dust. So the way of Muhammad leads to death and dust not eternal life. Christians imitate and mirror the Heavenly the Perfect Man Jesus, the image of God, who conquered death and is now immortally alive in heaven proving…Continue Reading →
The Declaration of Preservation
The Fourth Industrial Revolution will be the end of humanity and freedom. As all DNA, human, animal and plant will be corrupted by genetic engineering in the name of progress. Artificial intelligence linked to a Carbon Social credit system, Digital ID, will police and penalize thoughts and comments deemed against the globalist narrative and will…Continue Reading →
GMOs – The Corruption of all flesh – A Return to the days of Noah
What if Dinosaurs are not God’s creation but Satan’s corruption of God’s creation and actually Nephilim and/or cross-bred genetically corrupted Animals, created by the Fallen Angels in Genesis 6? Are they not giants?Genesis 6:12 All flesh had corrupted his way upon the earth. All Flesh means Animals too The Book of Enoch suggests it was not only Man these fallen Angels…Continue Reading →
Homo-Deus 666 Man-God
The elites such as Klaus Schwab who runs the WEF and his mad historian Yuval Noah Harari a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, are forcing the world to comply with their GREAT RESET AGENDA, which not only entails remaking the world into a Socialist dictatorship nightmare but they also have plans for the…Continue Reading →
The Islamic Beast Mark, Enlightenment and Technology
Will the Beast mark be offering divine or earthly wisdom and understanding? Satan offered this to Eve from his tree of knowledge along with the promise of divinity and we all know how that turned out. But Satan is once again offering the world his wisdom and knowledge, as well as divinity and we need…Continue Reading →
BE WARNED – THE HEBREW LETTER SHIN, MAY HAVE A DIRECT LINK TO THE MARK OF THE BEAST “And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their hand, or on their forehead and that no…Continue Reading →
Star of Islam and Judaism the 666
Below on the left the Solomon Star Seal of the 666 Caliph, on the right the signature of the Caliph, with three vertical Tugs which are vav vav vav (lll) = 666You have been warned!!!! Do not take any King’s Mark, Beast Mark in order to buy and sell. Or you fate with be the…Continue Reading →
Baptized to Escape THE WRATH
The people before the flood were told to seek refuge with Noah and his Ark, the means by which they would be lifted above the global cataclysm but they refused.God has once again warned us of a Global Cataclysm this time by fire and said take refuge with my Son (Psalm 2:12) , he is…Continue Reading →
Muhammad’s 70 Virgins plagiarized from Hinduism
MUHAMMAD PLAGIARIZED HIS 70 HEAVENLY VIRGINS FROM HINDUS GAU RAKSHA (Cow protection) Agni Purana 292.10-17… The Man who joins the cows in their dance of wild ecstasy, is sure to enjoy the fruits of heaven in the company of celestial dancing girls… Mahabharata 13.79 That man who habitually makes gifts of kine comes to be…Continue Reading →
YAM – Son of Noah – A Baal Myth Muhammad Plagiarized
According to the prophet of ignorance from Arabia, Noah had a Son named Yam and Yam died in the flood on a mountain. However this story from Muhammad was plagiarized from a Canaanite Baal myth. There is no Yam in the Bible. Yam was the Canaanite god of Floods. Yam means Sea, which explains why…Continue Reading →
Paul Vindicated by Quran and Ibn Kathir – Muslims now Ashamed
‼️‼️‼️ Never will Muslims be able to mock Paul ever again. Islam, the Quran and Ibn Kathir confirm Paul was a messenger. Surah 36:14 We sent them two messengers, but they rejected both. So We reinforced ˹the two˺ with a third, and they declared, “We have indeed been sent to you ˹as messengers˺.” Ibn Kathir…Continue Reading →
None can compare to King Messiah
✳️God chose one nation as his people Israel (Deut 7:6)✳️From one nation he chose one tribe Judah (Gen 49:10)✳️From one tribe Judah he chose one family Jesse’s. (Genesis 49:8, 1 Chron 28:4)✳️From Jesse he chose one son, David to be his chosen King. (1 Sam 16:1)✳️To David and his offspring he promised loving kindness forever…Continue Reading →
Arabia’s Global Rebellion against the Kingdom of God and his Son
Islam is the Antichrist cult, it attacks the Father and Son (1 John 2:22)It attacks YHWH and his Chosen King from David, the King from David who was given God’s earthy throne (1 Chron 29:23) What does YHWH say about the Temple Mount? ✡️Psalms 2:6-8 I have set my King on my holy hill of…Continue Reading →
The Prophesied Political Rebellion Against God | Israel (Isaac) vs Arabia (Ishmael)
Open your eyes to the ancient War between Isaac (Israel) and Ishmael (Arabia) (See Psalm 83) and recognize how Islam was just created to attack, steal and destroy everything God gave to Israel. 🔵Isaac vs Ishmael 🔵Israel vs Arabia 🔵God’s City Jerusalem vs New fraud city Mecca 🔵God’s Chosen nation vs Pretender nation 🔵God’s Son…Continue Reading →
The Kaaba Stones of Baal-Zeus-Aphrodite-Artemis & Allah
Pagan sacred stones are as ancient as Baal worship itself. Moses wrote:For their rock (Sacred stone) is not like our Rock (Jehovah himself) – Deut 32:31’Do not make idols or set up an image or a sacred stone…. to bow down before it. I am the LORD your God. -Leviticus 26:1So we see sacred stones were being used by Pagans in the…Continue Reading →
Arabian Allah is Haram – Forbidden
⛔IT IS FORBIDDEN TO SET UP A SACRED STONE LIKE ARABIA Leviticus 26:1 “’Do not make…a sacred stone for yourselves ⛔ITS FORBIDDEN TO FOLLOW THE GOD OF ARABIA Deuteronomy 6:14You shall not follow other gods, any of the gods of the (ARAB) peoples who surround you ⛔A CURSE FOR NOT FOLLOWING JEHOVAH OF ISRAEL, AND…Continue Reading →
Melchizedek – God’s First King-Priest of Jerusalem
Hebrews 7:12 Now if perfection could have been attained through the Levitical priesthood (for on this basis the people received the law), why was there still need for another priest to appear—one in the order of Melchizedek and not in the order of Aaron? For when the priesthood is changed, the law must be changed…Continue Reading →
Freemasons, Islam and World Domination
There has always been an ISLAMIC New World Order agenda, since the founding of Islam, it has sought global domination from its inception, through any means possible. It seems one of those means have been secret societies, controlled by Islam’s elite, using ignorant (or not so ignorant) society members, placed in western positions of power,…Continue Reading →
Yahweh Man of War – The Messenger
Why is Muhammad not the Comforter?
THE PROMISED COMING the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he will teach you all things, and remind you of all things that I said to you.-John 14:26Muslims are so deceptive that they claim this Comforter is Muhammad, even though the text says he is the HOLY SPIRIT. And…Continue Reading →
The Prophets said serve Jesus not Muhammad
There is ONLY ONE KING OF THIS WORLD, WHO RULES GOD’S KINGDOM – JESUS, The rightful king, the heir, the son, descendant of David from Judah, to whom all nations must give allegiance and serve.THE PROPHETS SAID:Genesis 49:10 The scepter will never depart from Judah…to him (Messiah) will belong the allegiance of nations.Psalm 2:8 You…Continue Reading →
Watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZErFbz5NJcThe world has no clue why the Muslims want us to help them free Palestine, if they did, they would scream in horror. Muslims are causing the world to HATE ISRAEL in order to conquer it, because they have an end days agenda to make Jerusalem the Capital of their SHARIA GLOBAL CALIPHATE….Continue Reading →
Solomon Islamic Mark of the Beast Connection
Woe to him that would reject the Word of God, the Bible and Jesus for money in order to buy and sell in the Islamic Caliphate, Islam may demand that very thing. Submission to the Caliph or Islam in the form of a mark, denying unbelievers (Christian Jews etc) the right to trade in their…Continue Reading →
Did you know God has always entered flesh, even in the Torah?
When you understand that JESUS is not a ISOLATED CASE of God entering flesh, then you will understand why it’s IMPOSSIBLE TO DENY THE INCARNATION.So let me show you from the Torah.|Exodus 31:3Bezalel….And I have filled him with the Spirit of GodYES GOD ENTERED BEZALEL, and the Spirit of God, is God the Creator, the…Continue Reading →
Islam – The Mystery of Iniquity Revealed
Simon Magus is in the book of ACTS in the Bible for a reason. He was the first antagonist against the Gospel, the originator of gnosticism, which spawned cult after cult, which had to be refuted by the early church fathers, Irenaeus, Justin Martyr, Hippolytus, and Epiphanius, GNOSTICISM SIMONIANISM DOCETISM ADOPTIONISM MONOPHYSITISM EBIONITISM ARIANISM MANICHAEISM…Continue Reading →
Islam – The Host of Heaven Cult and the King of Babylon
Tawaf is Host of Heaven worship Think Muslims think …Why were the pagans rotating (doing Tawaf) in the FIRST PLACE? Because they were copying their STAR GODS, that is how they worshiped them. The Jews don’t rotate, the Christians don’t rotate, the only people rotating around an object are the star worshipers, to copy the…Continue Reading →
Why does your doctrine not match what the Very First Churches taught?
This article is for Both Jehovah’s Witnesses and Muslims (in shareable meme form) showing that Jesus is THE ONLY GOD THE VERY FIRST CHURCHES TAUGHT JESUS IS GOD, NOT A LESSER CREATED GOD THE VERY FIRST CHURCHES TAUGHT TRINITY Ignatius a.d. 30–107 Since, also, there is but one unbegotten Being, God, even the Father; and…Continue Reading →
These Prophets said Jesus is God!
Prophet Moses: Shows God is not singular he is an “US” AND “OUR” Prophet Jeremiah Says the Messiah must be called YHVH (GOD) a name only used for GOD (and also Messiah). No other prophet is ever given this divine name anywhere else in the Old Testament. Prophet Zechariah: Shows there are at least TWO…Continue Reading →
Jinn-Catchers – The Satanic side of Islam
ABSOLUTELY SHOCKING OCCULTISM FOUND IN ISLAM Muslims call it Ruqya or Jinn Catching. There are muslim imams on Youtube seen going to a certain place they think is evil, then they summon the demons of that area to possess the jinn catcher (who is wearing a hoodie), he begins to thrash about, as the demons…Continue Reading →
Muhammad and his Occult-Gnostic-Sabian Plagiarism
SEE MORE – Muhammad’s Sabian connections SEE MORE – Muhammad’s Sabian connections 2 Sabianism was a Gnostic cult (you will see later why this is important) Wikipedia Sabianism was connected to astral worship (sun, moon & stars – symbols of Islam) Muhammad was called a Sabian, Sabi Kaaba tawaf rituals were known to be connected…Continue Reading →
Muslims say they believe the prophets, so let’s show them what the prophets said and how NO MUSLIM IS LISTENING TO THE PROPHETS. The prophets all speak about God’s ISRAEL CENTRIC plan for saving the gentiles. Anything other than a SALVATION MESSAGE FROM ISRAEL would be against God and the prophets. You say you believe…Continue Reading →
Arise shine Jerusalem, for your light has come
The Bible tells us about the Future Glory for Zion, when Jesus returns.. The Holy Fire of God in a pillar, will appear over Mt Zion. Isaiah 60 1Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. 2For behold, darkness covers the earth, and thick darkness is over…Continue Reading →
Arab-Israeli Conflict – How it will end according to the Prophets
The future of those who attack #Israel in the last days, take note #Muslims, God is talking about you. And the wine press was trodden outside the city, and blood came out from the wine press, up to the horses’ bridles, for a distance of two hundred miles. -Revelation 14:20 The sword of Jehovah is filled with blood,…Continue Reading →
Muhammad busted for Plagiarism
BLATANT PLAGIARISM – Everyone seems to know that Muhammad was a COPYCAT EXCEPT #MUSLIMS. – The story of the she-camel which leapt out of a rock and became a prophet was known in Arabia long before Muhammad (Suwar 7:73-77; 54:27-29; 91:13-14).- – The story of an entire village of people who were turned into apes because…Continue Reading →
Islam a copy of Roman’s Pagan Aphrodite
#Muslims claim the #kabaa stone came down from #Allah. But what is the true source of this stone? Today we will discover that its nothing more than an idol worshiped by pagan arabia, which was re-branded by Muhammad as an icon of islam. Billions of people flock to this idol yearly, it is without doubt the GREATEST IDOL venerated…Continue Reading →
Muhammad – A False Prophet with a Disease
MOHAMMED HAD ALL THE SIGNS OF ACROMEGALY A disease which is accompanied by Hallucinations (False Visions) If Mohammed had lived in this modern age, no one would have followed him, because his visions and voices would have been recognized as the result of his disease. The preserved footprints of Prophet Mohammed showed acromegaly. What does…Continue Reading →
Can one man bear the sins of another in Judaism? Yes
For years Rabbis have been lying to hide this fact, which is the bedrock of Christianity, in an attempt to stop Jews from accepting Yeshua as their Messiah, they quoted verses saying no one could bear the sins of another. But this was a blatant lie. The High Priest can bear the sins of others…Continue Reading →
Shiloh – The Prophecy of Moses & the timing of Messiah’s Coming
Jews do not realize that Moses told us the exact time the Messiah would arrive. And this timing is also in line with Daniel 9’s timing for the Messiah’s coming. Today Jews will try to change this verse, so that it’s no longer about the timing of Messiah’s coming, because it is a shame to…Continue Reading →
Sheol & The Bosom of Abraham – Where righteous people went before Jesus came
Muslims and Jews will often tell us good works / or law can get you to heaven. But there is major problem with this idea. Because ancient Jews never believed in GOING TO HEAVEN, only in GOING TO SHEOL, which was also called the Bosom of Abraham. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bosom_of_Abraham Josephus the Jewish historian who lived around…Continue Reading →
The Trinity in the Tanakh / Old Testament
This verse is unmistakable…. There is a person called “ME” in this verse (above) and this “ME” person, says he created the earth. But this “ME” person also says, GOD HAS SENT HIM So unless God is a Compound unity/Trinity this verse does not make sense in Judaism, because God is clearly SENDING GOD. The…Continue Reading →
GOD SAID HE WOULD RE-GATHER THE JEWS FROM THE NATIONS TO DWELL IN THEIR OWN LAND FOREVER – THAT MAKES GOD A ZIONIST Jeremiah 30: 3,4 “For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them…Continue Reading →
STONE OF BAAL They destroyed the sacred stone of Baal and the temple of Baal and made it into a latrine. It is still a latrine today. 2 Kings 10:27 PILLARS OF BAAL “You shall not worship their gods, nor serve them, nor do according to their deeds; but you shall utterly overthrow them and…Continue Reading →
The Daabba (Beast) that Marks Muslims for Hell.
ATTENTION MUSLIMS – LISTEN TO THIS WARNING FROM GOD AND RUN TO JESUS BECAUSE MUHAMMAD HAS DECEIVED YOU!!!! And a third angel followed them, calling in loud a voice, “If anyone worships the beast and its image, and receives its mark on his forehead or hand, he too will drink the wine of God’s anger, poured undiluted…Continue Reading →
The 335 BC Isaiah Scroll in the Dead Sea Scrolls proclaims the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah
The Great Isaiah scroll is one of the oldest Biblical Scrolls in History and dated to round 335 BC. Amazingly it contains exactly the message we find in today’s Bible. And even more importantly it verifies the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah Jesus, which Muslims today deny ever occurred. The Prophet Isaiah begins by asking a…Continue Reading →
Isaiah 53 According to the Ancient Rabbis
THE MESSIAH WILL APPEAR THEN DISAPPEAR AND RETURN A SECOND TIME Who Do The Rabbis Say Mashiach Will Be? Until the 11th century commentaries of Rashi, Isaiah 53’s ‘Suffering Servant’ was understood to mean Messiah *not* Israel. Scripture gives opposing views of Messiah; Messiah was to be rule the world, yet Messiah was also to suffer…Continue Reading →
PROOF: Jesus Returns to Destroy Islam and its Nations
Muslims have been taught by Muhammad that Jesus will return to condemn the Christians, break the crosses and join the Muslims in a fight to destroy the Christians and Jews. Muhammad has also told them, that the final battle against the Jews will result in a Muslim victory. It should come as no surprise that…Continue Reading →
The End Days from A – Z
This is the excerpt for your very first post.
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