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2023-01-16 at 14:47 #389403
Nat Quinn
KeymasterA Conversation with an Abortionist
During a “Human Rights Day” outreach we took part in the Africa Christian Action Pro-Life protest outside an abortionist’s home.
When the “doctor” drove up in her Volvo, she demanded:
“What are you doing outside my home? Are you the people who have been distributing these leaflets?” she waved one of the You Can Stop Abortions! Leaflets. “Well, I want you to stop. You are embarrassing me in my neighbourhood. I don’t want my neighbours to know what I do.”
“If what you’re doing is right, why would you be embarrassed about your neighbours knowing your occupation?” I asked.
“Because it’s controversial. Not everyone approves of abortion. You are embarrassing me.”
“You are killing babies.” I told her.
“No, I don’t kill babies. The mothers do”, she responded.
“Well, the mothers may pay you to kill their babies, but you are the one who actually does the procedure.”
“But it’s their choice. They sign the life of their baby away. I’m just providing a service.” She responded.
“So, you are like a hit man, who takes money to kill people?”
“You could describe it like that,” she smiled. “I’m providing a service. It’s the mothers’ choice.”
“You are concerned about what your neighbours, today, think,” I responded. “But you should be more concerned about what Almighty God will say to you on the Day of Judgement. You do believe in God don’t you?”
“Yes, I believe in God.” She answered. But she denied that she was a Christian.
“Well, you have an appointment. ‘It is appointed unto man once to die and after that the Judgement.’ One day you will have to stand before Almighty God and give an account of everything you have done.”
“Maybe,” she responded with a shrug, “but you are speaking to the wrong person. You need to be involved in sex education in schools. I have to do abortions for twelve-year olds. You won’t believe how many young girls come to me for help. It’s a dirty job, but somebody has to do it. There’s a tremendous demand for what I am doing and very few willing to do it.”
“Well, of course we do go to schools; and groups like True Love Waits are involved in vigorous sex-education in the schools. We do believe that education is our highest priority. I’ve worked in the Fire Brigade and the Army. Those are often dirty jobs. Firemen and soldiers can say they are saving lives. Abortionists cannot say that. You are not saving lives, you are ending lives. The fact still remains that life begins at conception and abortion is murder.”
The abortionist responded: “That’s your opinion.”
“No, that is a scientific fact. Surely you as a doctor know that life begins at conception?”
“That’s not the point.”
“Yes, that is exactly the point. Make no mistake, the day will come when future generations will look back on abortion in our time the same way we now look back on the slave trade and the holocausts.”
“Maybe,” she said, “but we won’t be around then, so it won’t matter to us.”
“Don’t you believe in the immortality of the soul? It will most certainly matter to you in eternity. There is a God in Heaven, a Day of Judgement. Heaven and hell are very real. It will most certainly affect you after you have died and throughout all of eternity.
It was remarkable that this abortionist spoke so freely about “the mother” and “the baby.” Normally abortionists try to dehumanize their victims by speaking of “the patient” and “the product of conception”, or “the foetus”, or “performing a TOP” (Termination of Pregnancy). However, this abortionist had no problem consistently referring to “the mothers”, who “sign their baby’s life away.”
At no time did she question the facts that life begins at conception and that abortion is the killing of an innocent baby. Her justification was merely that it is legal, and she was doing what the mothers were asking (and paying her) to do.26 years of Legalised Abortion in South Africa
Legalised abortion is a national disgrace. Wednesday 1st of February 2023 will mark the 26th anniversary of the legalisation of abortion on demand in South Africa. For this reason, many Christians who respect the Sanctity of Life will be observing Sunday, 29 January as a day of Prayer and Repentance for the national sin of abortion. Pastors throughout the country will be preaching on the Sanctity of Life and congregations in every province will join in prayers of repentance for the national sin of abortion. “If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14Rescue the Perishing
For over thirty years Africa Christian Action has been standing for Faith and freedom, campaigning for Life and Liberty throughout South Africa. “If you faint in the day of adversity, your strength is small. Deliver those who are drawn toward death and hold back those stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, ‘Surely we did not know this,’ does not He who weighs the hearts consider it? He who keeps your soul, does He not know it? And will He not render to each man according to his deeds?” Proverbs 24:10-12March for Life 2023
Every year, on the anniversary of this disastrous legislation, Africa Christian Action has organised the March for Life to parliament, followed with a Prayer vigil and Repentance service outside the gates of parliament. Our March for Life this year, will be on Wednesday, 1 February. The March for Life is in the form of a Funeral Procession, in which we take a walk through the centre of town to Parliament. The procession will gather at the Hanover St. (old Keizergracht St.) parking lot below Cape Peninsula University of Technology (near the wall painting of an African woman) and march down Darling Street, past the Castle and City Hall, left into Adderley Street, left into Spin Street, then right into Plein Street to assemble outside the gates of Parliament. The march will start at 12:30 pm. Please dress in black for a greater impact to accentuate the need for national repentance and bring your own water. We will provide placards and crosses for you to carry. “Wisdom calls aloud outside; she raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city she speaks her words…” Proverbs 1:20-22Prayer and Action
Once at the main gates of Parliament (at the corner of Roeland and Plein Streets), Africa Christian Action will lead a Prayer Vigil from 1 PM. You are welcome to slot in with that if you are unable to make the Funeral Procession/ March for Life. A Memorial Service prayer vigil and wreath-laying ceremony will be held in memory of the babies killed by abortion in South Africa since 1997. “They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to demons. They shed innocent blood, the blood of their sons and daughters . . . the land was desecrated by their blood.” Psalm 106:37-38Save Lives – Stop Abortions
In order to alert Capetonians to the reality of the abortion holocaust taking place in our land, Africa Christian Action aims at dramatizing the event, by hiring a hearse to lead our procession. Participants/mourners will also carry coffins, crosses and flowers in memory of the victims of abortion. Special obituary notices will also be posted on social media. Alternatively, you can organise your own Pro-life Prayer Vigil, or demonstration outside an abortion clinic/hospital in your own city. “Could you men not keep watch with Me for one hour?” Matthew 26:14Resources for Life
Contact us if you would like to screen a pro-life film (such as Unplanned, Gosnell, Babies are Murdered Here, The Abortion Matrix, The Silent Scream, or The Hard Truth) at your church or youth group (or obtain these from Christian Liberty Books). “Who will stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity? Who will rise up for Me against the evil doers?” Psalm 94:16Resources to Empower You
To assist pastors in informing and inspiring their congregations to prayer and action, Africa Christian Action is offering a Pro-life Pack: This includes pro-life sermons, prayers of repentance, the Bible Study: Scripture and the Sanctity of Life and audio sermons: Abortion is Murder, or, Do Christians Care? Sanctity Life Sunday Service and Sermons. Christian Action also has pro-life books, especially Make a Difference: A Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, DVDs, bumper stickers, T-shirts and Precious Feet lapel pins available. “In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you . . .” Matthew 7:12Pro-life sermons, prayers, Powerpoints, articles, books, DVDs and leaflets are available to help you mobilise your congregation in the Fight for Life.
View the March For Life video.
To view the Stand for Life video, click here
To listen to a related From the Frontline Podcast, The Leading Cause of Death in the World Today, click here
To listen to a related Salt & Light What Is The Greatest Threat To Life?on Radio Tygerberg programme, click here“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves.” Proverbs 31:8
Dr. Peter Hammond Africa Christian Action PO Box 23632 | Claremont | 7735 | Cape Town | South Africa Tel: +27 21 689 4480 See also:
Abortion – the Facts
Unplanned Indictment
Do Christians Care?
Operation Nehemiah
National Repentance
An Indictment on Many Churches
UN Attempts to Promote Abortion in Africa
Abortion is Murder
Christians Can Abolish Abortion
Life Chains – What Difference Can I Make?(20+) Africa Christian Action | Facebook
Christian Action (@africachristian) / Twitter
Video Gallery – Frontline Fellowship (frontlinemissionsa.org)
Peter Hammond’s Presentations on SlideShare
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