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2024-05-12 at 16:25 #449350
Nat Quinn
KeymasterRegardless of whether the amendments to the International Health Regulations and the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” are adopted or not, we will still have to decide what to do with the WHO.
MAY 12, 2024NOW is the time to work to abolish the World Health Organization.
The only question is this:
Which nation will have the courage to be the first to leave?
The video below is not an endorsement for Donald Trump. Ignore the messenger. Listen to the message.
Do you believe that the WHO can be reformed?
Or do you think that we should exit and abolish the WHO?
Work to reform the WHOExit the WHO and abolish itYOUR SILENCE IS CONSENT
I challenge everyone, especially politicians who may be seeking election in November 2024, to record their own video expressing their viewpoint regarding the World Health Organization. Post your favorite videos in the comment section below…
Recently 49 Republican Senators wrote a letter to President Biden regarding the WHO. Did you read the letter? They stated that they wanted President Biden to shift his attention to “reform” the World Health Organization.
I encourage you to CLICK HERE to give each and every Senator a phone call and demand that they instruct their staff to copy House Resolution 79 (H.R. 79 – the WHO Withdrawal Act) and submit it as companion legislation in the Senate. Let them know that you want to #ExitTheWHO, not reform it.
More recently, 22 State Attorneys General also wrote a letter to President Biden in which they also stated that the World Health Organization was in need of “reform.”
NO! Reform is NOT good enough.
The WHO cannot be reformed.
The WHO must be ABOLISHED!
Who do you think influences the WHO?
In 2023, the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and the European Commission along with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, GAVI – the Vaccine Alliance and the World Bank provided the majority of the “contributions” that were received by the World Health Organization (WHO).
The WHO’s bloated bureaucracy spent $4.1 billion dollars in 2023, 30% of which ($1.2 billion dollars) went to pay their 9,219 employees an average of $131,000 per year. In addition, the WHO spend $238 million dollars on travel.
Ask yourself: What good has the WHO done for you or for your nation?
Has your nation enjoyed the $35-to-$1 return on investment that the WHO promises to their contributors?
https://iris.who.int/bitstream/handle/10665/354372/9789240050006-eng.pdf (page 19)
Fraudulent Premise For Negotiations
As the 77th World Health Assembly approaches (May 27 to June 1, 2024), there is tremendous pressure on Member States to conclude the negotiations regarding proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the proposed “Pandemic Agreement.”
It is extremely important to recognize that the basis for these negotiations is fraudulent.
The assumptions and the core premise behind these negotiations: that low-income nations were harmed by a lack of equitable access to pandemic-related products (fraudulent diagnostic tests, dangerous drugs and disastrous injectable products) is demonstrably false.
Wealthy nations that had access to the expensive products and advanced technology did far, far worse than the relatively poor nations in Africa.
“Pandemic Agreement”
“Developing nations” claim that the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” should ensure that they receive equitable access to pandemic-related products, but to what end?
Why are they demanding technology transfers and massive investments in a WHO Coordinated Laboratory Network, a Pathogen Access and Benefit Sharing system, and a Global Distribution and Logistics Network?
Would such a”Pandemic Agreement” ensure better health outcomes? Or is this a blatant attempt to divert billions of dollars into the pockets of oligarchs who would benefit from a massive build-out of the highly profitable Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex in countries who would otherwise invest their resources in other, more vital endeavors?
This sounds more like the creation of a corrupt global cartel that would be pre-positioned to profiteer from the fear-mongering and terrorism that could be generated by the One Health Surveillance Approach designed to find pathogens with pandemic profiteering potential.
Do you believe that the greatest threat to your health is zoonotic transfer of a novel pathogen?
Do you believe that it is a wise idea to build biological laboratories throughout the world in order to share the genetic sequences attributed to these pathogens?
Or do you think that such a “solution” is actually more likely to incentivize and lead to an outbreak of “Disease X”?
It appears that the Intergovernmental Negotiating Body intends to continue secret negotiations up until the very last moment in the hopes of getting 2/3 of the member nations to adopt the “Pandemic Agreement” during the 77th World Health Assembly.
The latest official version of the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” is located here:
2022 Amendments to the International Health Regulations
The following information has been a secret that has been hiding in plain site for nearly two years.
The 75th World Health Assembly claims that they adopted amendments to the International Health Regulations, but THEY NEVER VOTED!
Every Member Mation must officially demand evidence from the World Health Organization regarding the WHO’s fraudulent claims of the purported adoption of the 2022 amendments to the International Health Regulations.
The Islamic Republic of Iran, the Kingdom of Netherlands and the nations of New Zealand and Slovakia have seen through this fraud and have officially rejected the 2022 amendments.
The submission of document A75/A/Conf./7 by the United States and a number of other nations on May 24, 2022 was a clear violation of Article 55 of the International Health Regulations which requires at least 4 months notice for any proposed amendments.
Claims that the submitted amendments were a technical addendum to document A75/18 are simply not true, because A75/A/Conf./7 included the addition of a new authority in regards to Article 62 enabling nations to submit reservations to amendments. This authority did not previously exist in the IHR and it was not included in document A75/18.
Four days later, on May 28, 2022 document WHA75/A75.R12 fraudulently claimed that the proposed amendments to Articles 55, 59, 61, 62 and 63 were adopted during the 8th Plenary Session of WHA75.
There is just one problem. No official vote ever occurred.
Video evidence of this failure to conduct a proper vote (the recording of the 8th plenary session) has been removed from the WHO website.
This is a clear and egregious case of voting fraud and a clear violation of Article 60 of the WHO Constitution.
On November 28, 2023 a dozen members of the European Parliament demanded that the Director General provide evidence that a proper vote occurred. To this day, no evidence of a vote by the full plenary has been provided.
The 2022 amendments must be declared by all nations to be null and void.
On April 8, 2024, the WHO published document A77/8 fraudulently claiming that those amendments will enter into force on May 31, 2024. That is a fraudulent claim.
No vote was ever held, so no entry into force can occur.
2024 Amendments to the International Health Regulations
The deadline (January 27, 2024) for the Director-General to communicate the proposed amendments to the States Parties in accordance with Art. 55 paragraph 2 already passed. As of May 12, 2024 no final draft version of the amendments has been communicated to the States Parties.
This leads to a situation that does not allow for a lawful presentation of a draft resolution on IHR amendments for consideration by the 77th World Health Assembly.
An Open Letter To Tedros
The Working Group for amendments to the International Health Regulations has missed their January 27, 2024 deadline to submit amendments for consideration at the World Health Assembly in May 2024. I have been reporting on this issue since October 2023.
Read full storyThe latest official version of the proposed amendments to the IHR is located here:
Do you believe that the WHO can be reformed?
Or do you think that the WHO should be abolished?
by James Roguski
The old system is crumbling, and we must build its replacement quickly.
If you are fed up with the government, hospital, medical, pharmaceutical, media, industrial complex and would like to help build a holistic alternative to the WHO, then feel free to contact me directly anytime.
All content is free to all readers.
All support is deeply appreciated.
SOURCE:James Roguski | Substack
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