Home › Forums › FAMILY POLICY INSTITUTE › ANC Regime Weakens Democracy To Fast-Track Disastrous Legalised Prostitution Bill!-ERROL NAIDOO-FAMILY POLICY INSTITUTE
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2023-01-28 at 19:15 #391102
Nat Quinn
KeymasterANC Regime Weakens Democracy To Fast-Track Disastrous Legalised Prostitution Bill!
It appears the Department of Justice & Constitutional Development (DoJ) is so intent on fast tracking the “Criminal Matters (Sexual Offences & Related Matters) Amendment Bill 2022,” it’s prepared to severely undermine the democratic process by depriving tens of thousands of citizens sufficient time to apply their minds and submit comments on this far-reaching Bill.I wrote to the Department of Justice on 3 January requesting an extension for public comment on this Bill to 31 March 2023. The DoJ published the Bill on 9 December 2022 – providing citizens just seven weeks to evaluate and comment on it by deadline 31 January 2023. The festive holiday season further reduced this already grossly insufficient time period to a mere four weeks.DoJ Director General, Dr Mashabane responded, assuring my request “will receive the urgent attention it deserves.” Since then, I received responses from two other DoJ officials pointing out the Dept’s “internal processes” but urging me to submit my comments by deadline 31 January 2023. I reiterated, the insufficient time provided for public comments undermines the process.
Should my request be denied, I am negotiating with Christian lawyers to launch a High Court application to compel the DoJ to extend the public comment period to 31 March 2023.
We created the “SA Public Speaks” online portal to assist citizens to easily comment on the “Sexual Offences Amendment Bill.” Please click on the link and make your voice heard today.
The liberal mainstream-media published several fallacious articles promoting the alleged “benefits” of decriminalised prostitution. However, global research shows the only people benefiting from state-sanctioned sexual slavery are pimps, brothel owners and crime syndicates.
A Newsweek article by Michael Shively and Stephany Powell argue, “legalized prostitution has not worked anywhere in the world because when prohibitions are removed, sex-trade and trafficking activity skyrocket.” Crime and grime will increase for ordinary citizens as well – as prostitution related criminal activity will spread into areas once considered safe and off-limits.
If passed, government’s endorsement of decriminalized prostitution will undermine the human rights of persons trapped in the sex trade (the majority of whom are females), and grant impunity to perpetrators of sexual exploitation, abuse and trafficking of vulnerable women and children.The proposed full-decriminalisation of the sex-industry is a disastrous policy for South Africa considering the already high rates of poverty, unemployment and sexual violence against women (and children). The SA Law Reform Commission’s Final Report on ‘Prostitution Law Reform’ warned against decriminalised prostitution in South Africa for these and other valid reasons.I urge Christian denominations and Church networks across the country to comment on this Bill. The Scriptures compel believers to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves. Hundreds of thousands of vulnerable women (and children) will be consigned to a life of unspeakable exploitation, abuse and misery if sexual slavery is legalized by this corrupt regime.
Civil-society groups, NGO’s, labour movements and individual citizens all have a stake in protecting vulnerable women and children from legalized sexual-slavery. Decriminalised prostitution also means women and teenage girls can be lured into prostitution with the incentive of making “easy money.” Pimps and criminal syndicates will have legal impunity.
A legalized sex-industry in a country governed by a corrupt and grossly incompetent regime is a recipe for disaster. Foreign and local crime networks operating in South Africa will vastly expand their criminal networks under the legal cover provided by a decriminalised sex-industry.
Please make a special effort to make your important voice heard on this Bill before the deadline 31 January 2023. Hundreds of thousands of vulnerable women (and children) trapped in the sex-trade depend on your and my voice to speak up for them. Click on the “SA Public Speaks” link and comment – or email Mr Tsietsi Sebelemetja directly at Bills1@justice.gov.za by 31 Jan 2023.
StandingErrol Naidoo
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