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2024-04-04 at 19:01 #444932
Nat Quinn
KeymasterOn March 29, 2024, The Biden White House issued a formal White House proclamation, declaring that March 31st would henceforth be a “Transgender Day of Visibility.” This was issued during the Easter weekend, on Good Friday, the day that Jesus, the Son of God, hung, tortured, upon a cross. Although Easter weekend falls on different dates every year, the Transgender Day of Visibility will always fall on the Christian High Holy Days of Lent. This is not an accident.
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Historically Conquering Empires Substitute New Holidays for Those of the People
Historically, conquering empires have often supplanted a holiday of a conquered people with a new holiday. Where a nation has been forcefully taken over, the new “inserted” holiday is intended to replace the holiday of the conquered people and to impart the beliefs of the conquering empire upon the captured population. Where there is a more gradual ‘migration’ of thought and religion, such as the movement of Christianity into the Isles of Western Europe, celebration naturally evolves around the same time periods formerly set aside.
Thus, the holiday of Christmas rests upon the same day as ancient holidays celebrated in Old Europe, commemorating the shortest day of the year. Further, the ancient astronomers often mirrored the special days of the astral firmament with celebration, and that would be passed along over generations and millennia.
Now, the Biden White House has formally declared a public holiday and laid the holiday over the most holy day of the year for the most commonly embraced religion in the US.
In childhood, perhaps, we think that Christmas is the highest holy day of the Christian faith as the day that God gave the world his only begotten Son. But it is not the highest.
The single defining event that is the foundation of Christianity is the resurrection of Jesus, son of Joseph, Son of God.
Matthew 28:5–The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.
Jesus’ death and his resurrection into Heaven are the essence of Christianity. I remembered that as I read Dr. Francis Christian’s essay:
What would move the Creator Whom Heaven and earth cannot contain, to be born in a humble manger for us, to move among us with a beauty, a majesty and a poise that would be marked for the ages – and then be flogged, spit upon, buffeted, slapped, nailed on a Roman cross for us, with a crown of thorns upon His head?
The prophet Isaiah does not dare to fully explain this Love. But he tells us very plainly, in some of the most beautiful, profound, earth-shattering words ever written, the purpose of this great Love:
He was wounded for our transgressions,
He was bruised for our iniquities,
The chastisement of our peace was upon Him –
And with His stripes, we are healed.
For a broken, bruised, world, the God of the universe decided to be broken, bruised and bleeding Himself.
He even tasted that old enemy for us – death. And then, by the Resurrection, dealt death the decisive death-blow for me, for you.
God, through his Son, Jesus, conquered Death for us all. We need never fear again.
Definition of Transgender day of Visibility
According to the “nation’s largest organization dedicated to supporting, educating, and advocating for LGBTQ+ people and those who love them,” PFLAG, Transgender Day of Visibility is defined as follows:
TDOV [Transgender Day of Visibility] was founded in 2009 by US-based transgender activist Rachel Crandall, a licensed psychotherapist and the Executive Director of Transgender Michigan, both in reaction to the lack of LGBTQ+ days of recognition for the successes achieved by trans people, as well as the frustration that the only well-known transgender-centered day of recognition was the Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR). TDOV is a much-needed day of empowerment, celebrating the lives and achievements of our transgender and gender-expansive loved ones.
I will take PFLAG, and the founder of Transgender Day of Visibility at their word, assuming they meant the best in choosing March 31st as the commemorative date. But the choice is ignorant at best, falling some years on Easter or Good Friday, and always falling into the high Holy season of Lent.
We are Being Deliberately Goaded by the Biden Administration
As a day of celebration for Transgenderism, this declared holiday is only a short step away from Gay Parades and other secular celebrations, fine on an average day, but grossly disrespectful of Easter and of Christians and disruptive of American unification. If the Biden White House had declared May 1st to be the official Transgender Day of Visibility, there would not be the same degree of insult. May 1st is May Day, an ancient, Old World celebration of the coming of summer.
Transgender people believe they are ‘their better selves or their best selves’ in some physical form other than that into which they were born. So, by their very belief that they need to change their physical self to be better or best, they reject themselves as they are.
Transhumanism has a relation to transgenderism. In transhumanism, the human accepts the idea that there is an earthly way one can become one’s best self, all-powerful, wise, strong, and knowing. This may be through bio enhancements (chemicals, drugs, other ingestibles) or through surgical changes to one’s healthy body, or through implants of various kinds that connect us and wire us up in various ways to the internet and other equipment that are supposed to enhance us.
So instead of becoming ‘our best selves’ through Jesus Christ and our relationship to God, transhumanists seek improvement and perfection of themselves on earth.
It is not beyond the pale that the Transgender celebration could evolve into a celebration of Transhumanism, replacing Easter and ultimately replacing God.
The Christian faith teaches that human beings can know God through His works. We are taught also that God reveals himself to us. The Catholic Catechism calls this the order of divine Revelation.
But there is another order of knowledge, which man cannot possibly arrive at by his own powers: the order of divine Revelation.1 Through an utterly free decision, God has revealed himself and given himself to man. This he does by revealing the mystery, his plan of loving goodness, formed from all eternity in Christ, for the benefit of all men. God has fully revealed this plan by sending us his beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
God’s revelation of Himself to us, through personal meeting and through the gift of his Son and the Holy Spirit is the foundation of Christianity and, like the other Great Religions of the world, deserves respect.
How Do Thoughtful Americans Best Respond?
How do Christians and all thoughtful Americans respond to this and similar insults?
First, with prayer and contemplation and consideration of the Bill of Rights, the US Constitution and the Bible.
Next, by teasing apart the various players in this drama. There are adult transgender Americans, free to choose their own path under our American rule of law. If some Christians consider some transgender life practices to be against their beliefs, that is an invitation to do as Christ did when encountering sinners.
But the White House Proclamation specifically refers to children and teenagers, who are already being heavily propagandized within school systems on aspects of sexuality that are neither correct biologically nor historically. The propaganda has gone so far as to become transgender grooming of young children, while hiding the knowledge of this activity from the parents.
Children must be protected from the influence of so-called ‘alternative’ lifestyles while they are children. They need protection and time to experience, at their own paces the development of their bodies, their identities.
As we discussed in other columns, Alfred Kinsey, considered to be the Father of the Sexual Revolution, was actually a criminal. He encouraged his students and junior staff to have sex with each other and with him and his wife. He urged avowed pedophiles to continue to prey upon their very young victims, including infants, and to report the results of their assaults to him. He encouraged any kind of sex that could be done — mixed couples, same-sex, sex with children, sex with animals, rough sex. If you are able to do it, it is OK he said.
Defending Innocence
Victims include children, minors, animals of all kinds, developmentally delayed or disabled adults, junior staff, students (adult students or minors), captured adults (including adult females being pimped or held as sex slaves), and any other combinations that include an imbalance of power in the relationship. In all those cases, it is assault that is being done, not sex.
It is already hard enough to grow up. Protect our children and teenagers and the vulnerable among us. For the rest, pray for ourselves and pray for our fellow countrymen and women whatever their personal choices. As a former child, and as a woman, a mother, a grandmother and a person who has loved and nurtured companion animals all her life, I implore us all to take a breath and to focus on defending innocence.
Authored by Ginger Ross Breggin
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