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Home Forums DR PETER BREGGIN Breggin Alert 272: Ban mRNA “Vaccines” Treatments and Platforms-DR PETER BREGGIN

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  • #17420
    Nat Quinn
    B r e g g i n Alerts

    America Out Loud

    Stop mRNA “Vaccines”  and Platforms

    Widespread Damage

    to Brain and Heart

    One of the most esteemed physicians in the health freedom movement is now calling for the complete ban of the mRNA platform for vaccines and treatments based on the damaging effects of the vaccines that are killing patients around the world.

    For the first time in medicine, pathologists are discovering simultaneous conditions of widespread brain damage and heart damage from capillary thrombosis (clotting) and micro vessel vasculitis (inflammation).

    A recent speech in Greece by physician Sucharit Bhakdi revealed that “pathologists have now found that in the brain of deceased people after vaccination, for the first time, there are capillary thrombosis and micro vessel ” vasculitis occurring in many, many parts of the brain. It’s the same patient. This has never been described in textbooks. This is pathognomonic for vaccination, and lo and behold, while they found those lesions, they found the spike protein of this damn virus…. around these vessels, they found … brain cells, dying brain cells.

    That’s number one. They are dying. Imagine that your brain cells in different parts of the brain are dying. You are losing something forever, something that was given to you and that can never be returned to you.”

    Dr. Bhakdi further revealed that the same patients who had this multifocal encephalitis also had myocarditis and stated, “this does not exist in the medical literature. You never have multifocal encephalitis and myocarditis. Only after vaccination…”  He went on to reveal the smallest blood vessels in the heart tissue of the patient were “spiked”– damaged from the vaccines.

    Pathologists have now looked at more than 50 autopsies of vaccinated patients and have found “alterations in the brain and heart together in more than 70 percent of the dead, and this is something so horrifying,” said Dr. Bhakdi.

    mRNA Vaccines Must be Stopped

    “Every mRNA vaccine is, in fact, a danger and must be stopped, and this is the message that we want to leave here in Athens with you to spread…” said Dr. Bhakdi. The gravity of his message cannot be overemphasized.

    View the Article Here.

    Dr. Bhakdi Exposes Deadly Effects of the mRNA Injections and Calls for a Ban

    View Video Here.

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