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Dr. Breggin Speaks About Dr. Malone’s $25 Million Lawsuit

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    Nat Quinn

    B r e g g i n Alerts

    Dr. Breggin Speaks Out About Dr. Maloneā€™s $25 Million Dollar Lawsuit
    “Most stunning is how Malone made up or fabricated quotes
    that I never said or wrote”

    by Peter R. Breggin MD

    ļ»æFirst published by AmericaOutLoud.com

    For the first time, with my trusted guest Patrick Coffin, I feel free to talk more in-depth about Robert Maloneā€™s $25 million defamation lawsuit against me and Ginger Breggin and Dr. Jane Ruby.

    Listen to the interview here.

    We have now submitted our response to the court, freeing me up to talk about it. Most stunning is how Malone made up or fabricated quotes that I never said or wrote. Another remarkable fact is that I never libeled or slandered him or displayed any malice.

    We now await Maloneā€™s response to our response, and then we will respond to that ā€” after which the judge will decide if the suit has enough merit to continue through the legal process.

    Patrick Coffin was my guest in order to talk about his upcoming Hope is Fuel event focusing on Vax Regret Solutions. You can get further information at HopeIsFuel.com on the presenters, who include me and Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, and many others you will want to hear.

    Patrick interviews me in my presentation, and it becomes a remarkable discussion about how to survive stresses of any kind as well as the emotional and physical aftermath of COVID ā€œvaccinationsā€ as well as COVID itself.


    Listen to the interview here.

    To comment or discuss, join us on our substack: Peter and Ginger Breggin, Exposing the Global Predators.

    Find us at Twitter: @WeAreThePrey @GingerBreggin

    Find us at our website: http://www.Breggin.com

    Find us at http://www.AmericaOutLoud.com

    Find us on Substack at: Peter and Ginger Breggin Exposing the Global Predators

    First published on AmericaOutLoud.com.

    Primary author Ginger Ross Breggin. She and her husband, Peter R. Breggin MD, are the authors of the bestselling new book “COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey,” with introductions by top COVID-19 scientists and physicians, Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH; Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD; and Vladimir ā€œZevā€ Zelenko MD. Over 120,000 sold.

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    The audiobook of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, by Peter and Ginger Breggin is available at Amazon.com.

    Get your copy today from Amazon.com

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    COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey, authored by Peter R. Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin, now in bookstores everywhere. Bulk quantities of books available at special discount–contact us at bregginbooks@hotmail.com.

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    COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey by the Breggins

    *in Health Care Delivery

    Peter R Breggin MD http://www.Breggin.com
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