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2023-01-09 at 19:57 #388624
Nat Quinn
KeymasterExposed! What’s Really In South Africa’s Shocking CSE Schools Program!
A critical component of the “Protect Children SA’ initiative is reliably informing and equipping parents, educators and the public with the facts about the dangerous elements in “Comprehensive Sexuality Education” (CSE) and “Sexuality Orientation & Gender Identity” (SOGI) programs in schools to protect innocent children from harmful sexual indoctrination.Statutory rape and sexual exploitation by educators in South Africa’s public schools have escalated dramatically. Teen pregnancies have also skyrocketed over the past five years.
Family Policy Institute’s (FPI) allies in the “Protect Children SA” coalition conducted meticulous research into the Dept of Basic Education’s “Sexuality Education in Life Orientation: Scripted Lesson Plans – Grade 4 – 12 Learner Books” – to expose the harmful elements in CSE.
Researchers utilized ‘Family Watch International’s’ “CSE Harmful Analysis Tool” to assess, evaluate and expose harmful elements in the program. The 7-page document details blatant abortion and LGBTQ propaganda embedded in CSE to intentionally sexualize minor children.
Please share the “Inside CSE” document with every parent, grandparent, educator, civil and religious leader you know – to arm them with the facts about this insidious assault on children.
Alarmingly, the most egregious aspect of this diabolical agenda are the blatant attempts to drive a wedge between parents and their own children. CSE and SOGI programs emphasise non-existent “children’s rights to sexual pleasure” to the detriment of the family and parental rights.
C-Fam reports leftist nations attempted to insert language in a ‘UN Resolution on Bullying’ to grant children unrestricted access to information on homosexuality and transgender issues without parental consent. The goal is to actively promote “sexual autonomy” for children.
UNESCO and UNFPA control and bankroll the sexual rights agenda in South Africa. They demand unrestricted access to children and WANT PARENTS OUT OF THE WAY. The ANC regime partnered with global sexual rights radicals to advance “Sexual and Reproductive Health & Rights” (SRHR). The primary goal of SRHR is to promote manufactured abortion and sexual “rights” to children.
The ultimate goal of CSE is to change the sexual and gender norms of society, which is why CSE could be more accurately called “abortion, promiscuity, and LGBT rights education.” CSE is a “rights-based” approach to sex education and promotes sexual rights to children at the expense of sexual health. A child’s “right” to sexual pleasure from age 5 is endorsed by UNESCO.
Thankfully, CSE is not compulsory. That’s why “Smart Choices” – the safe, common-sense sexuality education curriculum was developed as an alternative to CSE. Unlike CSE, “Smart Choices” encourage parental participation in the development of their children’s health.Parents must urgently contact their child(ren’s) School Governing Body (SGB) and exclude them from all forms of CSE instruction. Parents must also request the SGB adopt the “Smart Choices” program as a safe, common-sense alternative to the dangerous sexual indoctrination in CSE.
Christian parents and citizens must realise that public education is no longer neutral. In fact, education is the new battleground where destructive ideologies compete for your child’s mind.
Both the ANC and DA released statements in response to my previous newsletter denying their proposed “gender equality” draft guidelines for schools include gender-neutral or unisex bathrooms, gender-neutral uniforms and non-specific gender pronouns – all of this to ostensibly “create an inclusive and supportive environment for LGBTQ learners.”
However, the DA led Western Cape Education Dept’s “Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity” (SOGI) draft guidelines for W/Cape schools clearly propose unisex bathrooms and further propose that biological males who identify as females must use female bathrooms and visa versa.
The Dept of Basic Education (DBE) will table its draft guidelines for public comment in 2023 proposing unisex toilets at public schools and that teachers do away with the use of terms like “boys and girls” and other pronouns that indicate gender. According to the document, this guideline is necessary, “since you cannot tell what a person’s gender is simply by looking at them”.
A male “identifying” as female entered the female bathroom at a school in the US and raped a 15 year old teen. The father of the girl took action when the School Board covered up the crime. The “transgender” rapist was transferred to another school where he ? committed the same crime.
Despite skyrocketing rates of rape and sexual abuse of teens in SA, both the ANC and DA have surrendered innocent children to an irrational foreign imposed ideology – not based in any biological reality – and as a consequence, sacrificed children on the altar of political correctness.The only thing standing between sexual rights radicals freely indoctrinating vulnerable children in the public schooling system are responsible parents and educators who care enough to act in their defence. Please act now to stop the sexualization of innocent children in education.
StandingErrol Naidoo
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