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2022-11-22 at 04:51 #383460
Nat Quinn
KeymasterIntroduction to Family Policy Institute
Family Policy Institute was founded with the single minded objective of making the restoration of marriage and the family the cornerstone of South African social policy. Founded in 2007, Family Policy Institute is a non-profit research and educational organization dedicated to articulating and advancing a family-centered philosophy of public life. In addition to providing policy research and analysis for the legislative, executive and judicial branches of the national government, FPI seeks to inform the news media, the academic community, business leaders, and the general public about family issues that affect the nation.
Family Policy Institute believes marriage and the family is the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. FPI endeavors to shape public debate and formulate public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, FPI promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society.
Family Policy Institute was chartered to represent the common shared values of the Christian community in South Africa to Parliament, the media, and the greater social community. Furthermore, FPI exists to stop the forces, refute the arguments, and reverse the government policies that undermine the stability and health of families. Family Policy Institute is committed to restoring and upholding marriage as a one-man, one-woman institution, defending the sanctity of human life, protecting religious liberty, fighting for family tax relief, and combating judicial activism that leads to court rulings that harm the family.
Family Policy Institute (FPI) is a registered section 21 non-profit organization in the Republic of South Africa. It is positioned as an independent non-politically aligned public policy think tank that endeavors to spark cultural renewal by developing and articulating pro-life pro-family public policy in South Africa and, by way of communications outreach, throughout the Continent of Africa.
FPI will vigorously promote the ideal of policy founded on principle, through government, media and social institutions, and will represent all those who share these values. It will endeavor as its main priority to encourage and equip citizens representing the Christian community in South Africa to actively participate in the political and public policy arena through education, information and inspiration, via print and electronic communications.
Our strategy is four-fold. First, we begin with gathering and compiling policy research, using the most up to date social science data available to demonstrate the vital link between the family and a healthy society. Second, we promote family-friendly policies and ideas in the public square, framing arguments in a variety of publications and through our television shows, “Salt & Light” and “Watchmen on the Wall”, as well as major mainstream media outlets. Third we advance these ideas within our National Parliament, Provincial Legislatures, City Councils, and the general public.
Errol Naidoo is the Founder and CEO of Family Policy Institute (FPI) – a non-profit, pro-family, public policy research and educational organisation based in Cape Town, South Africa. While serving as Director of Public Affairs at His People Christian Church, Errol sensed the call of God to establish a ministry to inform, educate and equip the greater Church Body to fulfil its God-given mandate to be salt & light to society. Since its launch in 2008, FPI has been at the forefront of the battle to defend the family and advance Biblical Christian values in Parliament, the media and general society.
Errol is the producer and host of “Watchmen on the Wall,” a current affairs TV program from a Biblical perspective – broadcast weekly in primetime on Faith broadcasting Network and “Salt & Light”, a current affairs TV program broadcast weekly on TBN in Africa. He also produces a syndicated radio program, “Watchmen on the Wall Radio Half-Hour” broadcast every week on several Christian radio channels across the country.
In May 2016, Errol formed the Coalition To End Sexual Exploitation South Africa (CESESA). CESESA consists of more than 40 respected national organisations working together to end sexual exploitation, sex trafficking and abuse of women and children in South Africa. FPI’s submissions on Adult Prostitution to the South African Law Reform Commission (SALRC) was instrumental in defeating the agenda to decriminalise the sex industry in South Africa.
Errol Naidoo is a regular contributor and uncompromising voice for family values in the national media in South Africa. He is an author, columnist, public speaker and pro-family advocate committed to advancing a family centered philosophy of life. Errol regularly makes submissions to the South African Parliament on issues critical for the protection of marriage, family and religious freedoms.
Errol & Arlene celebrated 32 years of marriage on 12 December 2017. They have three children Jill (married to Michael), Jay (married to Aniska) & Jared and two grandchildren Alexandra & Connor.
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