Terrorist attack
[20/11, 13:24]: Confirmed farm raid at Mr. Sakkie Bell farm Fairview. 2 suspects on foot allegedly armed with 2 weapons missing from vault. No further information or description. Thank you Eduard Marais BBS.
Mr. Sakkie Bell was found but injured. EMS is on scene providing assistance
Just outside of Bethlehem
[20/11, 17:17] : The uncle I saw in the hospital by the way had to take my son for stitches, he looks very bad is unconscious and his face swollen badly.
[20/11, 17:18] His face
[20/11, 17:20] We were at the hospital around half past three when they pushed him out of casualty
[20/11, 17:21] : Yes today just outside bethlehem on the meets/bare road