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2025-01-22 at 21:56 #460425
Nat Quinn
KeymasterHey Australia…
Thursday 23 January 2025 is the last day for Australians to submit public comments regarding the International Health Regulations (IHR) that were adopted by the 77th World Health Assembly.
(Australian citizens only)
To submit your public comment (before Thursday, 23 January 2025), you will first need to create an account and login to your account.
(A convenient list of 25 reasons to reject the IHR amendments is below.)
25 Reasons to Reject The Amendments to the International Health Regulations
The People of Australia were not given adequate opportunity to engage with public servants PRIOR TO AND DURING the negotiations for amendments to the International Health Regulations even though over 400 special interest lobbyists were given a seat at the negotiating table.
It is clear that the negotiations were NOT designed to evaluate the violations of fundamental human rights, the poor decisions and the mistakes that were made not to mention the crimes that were committed over the past 5 years. There are many, many amendments that should have been adopted, but were not.
It is clear that the purpose of these amendments is NOT to improve the health of We the People. How can one purport to seek to prevent, prepare for and better respond to the “next pandemic” while failing to even define the terms “pandemic,” “prevention,” “preparedness,” and “response?”
The only thing that these amendments will improve is the future profits made by the ever-expanding Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex (PHEIC).
I oppose the 2024 amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) and I DEMAND that our government reject them in their entirety before July 19, 2024 pursuant to Article 61 of the IHR for the following reasons:
Please note that in the current IHR (2005): “a health measure does not include law enforcement or security measures.”
- Article 1 – The definition of “pandemic emergency” is so vague that it is meaningless. It accomplishes nothing except to offer the Director-General a means to instill needless fear on a global basis which is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 1 – The definition of “relevant health products” should not contain cell-and gene- based therapies and it completely ignores natural herbs, nutritional products and alternative remedies. Mentioned in Articles 13, 16, 17 and 18 and Annex 1, it essentially guarantees profits for the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex (PHEIC) at the expense of more affordable, safer and more effective natural products. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 1 – The failure to define the terms “pandemic,” “prevention,” “preparedness,” “response,” “safe and effective,” and “vaccine” is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 4 – Using two different terms to define the manner in which states parties communicate with the World Health Organization is redundant, wasteful and, quite frankly, it is simply stupid. There is simply no need for this amendment whatsoever, therefore it is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 10 – The amendment to this article continues to allow the World Health Organization to operate in secrecy during times of emergency “when justified by the magnitude of the public health risk, WHO should share with other States Parties the information about the event available to it.” Secrecy is repugnant in an open and just society. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 12 – Since the definition of “pandemic emergency” is inadequate, the authority to declare a “pandemic emergency” is meaningless. It accomplishes nothing of value except to offer the Director-General a means to trigger needless fear on a global basis. Despite this new definition, the criteria for declaring various levels of health emergencies is now only more confusing. Giving the WHO Drector-General the authority to unilaterally declare a “Pandemic Emergency (PE)” in addition to a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) with absolutely no oversight and no checks or balances on his power is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 13 – All of the nice sounding words in this amendment serve to hide the fact that the World Health Organization acts as the marketing and promotion arm of the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex. (PHEIC). As stated, “the Director-General shall… share with a State Party, upon its request, the product dossier related to a specific relevant health product, as provided to WHO by the manufacturer.” The World Health Organization runs a highly profitable pre-qualification scheme. This blatantly corrupt form of crony-capitalism is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.
- Articles 15, 16, 17 and 18 – By instructing the Director General “provide available information on any WHO-coordinated mechanism(s) concerning access to, and allocation of, relevant health products,” the amendments to these articles simply feed into the World Health Organization’s Pre-qualification and Emergency Use Listing money-making racket. These amendments are UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 18 – The amendment to this article stipulates that “Recommendations issued by WHO to State Parties shall… take into account the need to… maintain international supply chains.” While this may seem to be beneficial, it must be seen in the light of the negotiations for the proposed “Pandemic Agreement” which would place the World Health Organization in control of the “Global Distribution and Logistics Network.” This veiled grab for power, control and profit is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 24.1(a), Article 24.1(b) and Annex 4.1(c) – Forcing conveyance operators to apply “health measures” on board and while travellers are embarking and disembarking in violation of fundamental freedoms is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 27 – The additional authority to quarantine “suspect persons who are not ill” is an abominable violation of the fundamental right to liberty as well as a direct violation of Article 3 of the IHR(2005). This totalitarian overreach is also found in Articles 1, 18, 27, 31, 32, 40 and Annexes 1, 7 and 8. The unwarranted quarantine of people absolutely and totally UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 35, Annex 6.4 and ANNEX 6.8 – The World Health Organization must not be empowered to “develop and update, as necessary, technical guidance, including specifications or standards related to the issuance and ascertainment of authenticity of health documents.” The mere requirement of any form of “health document” is a violation of the fundamental right to privacy and is clearly UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 43 – The WGIHR should have worked to increase transparency, but this amendment would institute exactly the opposite by requiring that “information shared during the consultation must be kept confidential.” Secrecy is repugnant in an open and just society. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 44 – This amendment requires “States Parties… shall maintain or increase domestic funding, as necessary, and collaborate… to strengthen sustainable financing to support the implementation of these Regulations.” HOW MUCH IS THIS GOING TO COST? This open ended agreement to keep throwing money at the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex shows that the negotiators learned nothing over the past 5 years. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 44(bis) – Article 21 of the World Health Organization’s Constitution has no provision for a “Coordinating Financial Mechanism” to be included in the International Health Regulations. Such a “Mechanism” is outside of the Constitutional authority of the World Health Organization and MUST not be included within the IHR. Please note the recommendation made by the International Health Regulations Review Committee on page 71 of their Final Report: “The Committee notes that, under Article 44, WHO already has a role, in collaboration with States Parties, to mobilize financial resources, and cautions against creating an explicit financing function for WHO under the Regulations.” Not only is this unconstitutional, it is also UNACCEPTABLE. https://apps.who.int/gb/wgihr/pdf_files/wgihr2/A_WGIHR2_5-en.pdf
- Article 44(bis) – The failure to define the details of the “Coordinating Financial Mechanism” while empowering unelected, unaccountable and unknown future bureaucrats to control the “Mechanism,” the failure to determine how much this is going to cost, the failure to require full transparency and make public a complete audit trail as well as the failure to ensure that conflicts of interest will be prevented are all UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 44(bis) – How much money does our nation intend to voluntarily donate to the extremely vague “Coordinating Financial Mechanism”? We the people will have absolutely no control over who receives that money, nor will be be able to determine how it is to be spent. How will we ever know if the expenditures were of any benefit? What are the metrics and means of analysis by which anyone could ever determine whether or not the spending of our money accomplished anything other than to make the recipients more wealthy? This is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 44(bis) 2(e) – The “Coordinating Financial Mechanism” is quite likely going to allow unelected brokers within the financial elite to influence and control the manner in which money is provided and utilized. This is not a method by which health will be improved. This is merely a cover story for the ongoing expansion of their wealth. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 44(bis) 2(e) – The “Coordinating Financial Mechanism” will be empowered to “leverage voluntary monetary contributions for organizations.” This is such an obvious example of corrupt crony capitalism at its very worst that it is clearly UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 45 – The fact that “States Parties may process and disclose personal data” is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.
- Article 54(bis) The creation of a States Parties Committee for the Implementation of the IHR (2005) to “facilitate the effective implementation” of the “Coordinating Financial Mechanism” along with the creation of a sub-committee to “provide technical advice” is yet another example of useless and wasteful bureaucracy that is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Annex 1.2(c)(i) and Annex 1.3(b) Directing member nations to develop, strengthen and maintain their core capacities for surveillance must be limited in its scope in order to protect individual rights. The ongoing and ever-increasing invasion of our privacy and fundamental freedoms is UNACCEPTABLE.
- Annex 1.2(c) and Annex 1.3(i) – Directing member nations to develop, strengthen and maintain the core capacity to address misinformation and disinformation runs the risk of violating the fundamental right of freedom of speech. This “surveillance” must reflect back solely upon the government’s duty to provide accurate information to the public, and must not, in any way, be used to censor public discourse, which is completely, and undeniablY UNACCEPTABLE.
- Annex 2 – There needs to be an acknowledgement that by crossing out “wild-type” poliovirus, the WHO is admitting that vaccine-derived poliovirus has become a global health problem that was self-induced. The massive iatrogenic causation of disease by the very treatments that are claimed to prevent such disease (“pandemic related health products” is at the core of why the actions of the World Health Organization in general and specifically the 2024 amendments to the International Health Regulations are UNACCEPTABLE.
- Annex 6 – The possibility of “someone who is unable to sign” being given a “vaccination” without their consent and stipulating that “the guardian shall sign the certificate on their behalf” opens the possibility for enormous abuses of power and is absolutely UNACCEPTABLE.
I DEMAND that the 2024 amendments to the International Health Regulations be rejected in their entirety.
Please watch the videos below:
Click on the link below and scroll down to watch the webinar.
Australian citizens have until Thursday 23 January 2025 to submit public comments regarding the International Health Regulations (IHR) that were adopted by the 77th World Health Assembly on 1 June 2024.
It’s easy. Do it NOW(details below)
Tell everyone you know!
The 2024 amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)
In the document below, the text of the existing IHR (2005) is in plain font and the new 2024 amendments are in bold font.
Notification to States Parties of amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)
Australia Notification To States Parties Of Amendments To The International Health Regulations (2005)846KB ∙ PDF fileAny Australian citizen may submit their public comment online by Thursday, 23 January 2025.
First you must create a “My Parliament” account.
This account can be used again for future submissions, and for tracking committees and the progress of inquiries and bills. You will need to provide your name and a valid email address to create a “My Parliament” account.
In addition to submitting your comments to the Joint Standing Committee on Treaties (JSCOT), you may share your opinions with all of your public servants.
Prime Minister – Anthony Albanese
Penny Wong – Foreign Minister
Mark Butler – Minister for Health and Aged Care
Senate and Parliament
Peter Dutton – Leader of the opposition
Senator Anne Rushton – Shadow Minister for Health and Aged Care
Simon Birmingham – Leader of the Opposition in the Senate and Shadow Minister for Foreign Affairs
The Australian government has prepared a National Interest Analysis. Some important excerpts are below.
The amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 (IHR) [were] adopted unanimously, at the 77th meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva on 1 June 2024.
Australia was present at this meeting and supported the resolution (WHA77.17).
Australia is one of 196 States Parties that is legally bound by the IHR and has been a strong advocate of targeted revisions.
The Amended IHR will enter into force for Australia by deemed acceptance 12 months following notification by the World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General, unless Australia objects within 10 months of that notification (July 19, 2024).
The Office of International Law (OIL) at the Attorney General’s Department has advised that all necessary Commonwealth, State and Territory legislation is in place for Australia to comply with its new obligations contained in the Amended IHR. No legislative amendments are required to implement the treaty amendments prior to their entry into force.
The Office of Impact Analysis has been consulted and confirms that a detailed analysis is not required under the Australian Government’s Policy Impact Analysis Framework.
The Amended IHR expand the core capacities outlined in Annex 1 to the IHR to prevent and control communicable disease that all States Parties are obliged to develop, strengthen and maintain. Australia already demonstrates those core capacities in its national and jurisdictional approaches to managing public health risks.
Please read the article below to review the amendments to the International Health Regulations:
Additional Instructions:
The Executive branch of the Australian government has the sole authority to enter into international treaties, conventions, agreements or amendments to exiting WHO regulations.
The Australian Parliament DOES NOT have the authority to ratify or reject the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations, nor does it have the authority to ratify or reject the proposed “Pandemic Agreement.”
Voting to ratify or reject a treaty, convention, agreement or amendments to existing WHO regulations is absolutely NOT the same as voting to enact legislation to implement a treaty, agreement, convention or amendments that has already been agreed to by the executive branch of government.
The Australian Parliament will NOT vote to ratify or reject these agreements.
The people of Australia must understand that the executive branch of government has the sole authority to enter into treaties, conventions, agreements or amendments to existing WHO regulations.
Australia was NOT a party to the International Health Regulations prior to 2005.
The Australian Parliament did NOT vote to ratify the amendments to the International Health Regulations in 2005.
The International Health Regulations entered into force because the Australian government failed to reject them.
Reject the Amendments to the IHR
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Read full storyDiscussing the IHR Amendments (4)
Please watch the videos below and share them far and wide:
Read full storyDiscussing the IHR Amendments (3)
Below are some absolutely spectacular and informative videos.
Read full storyDiscussing the IHR Amendments (2)
Please watch the videos below and help by sharing them far and wide:
Read full storyDiscussing the IHR Amendments
Please take the time to watch the videos below:
Read full storyThe Amendments to the IHR have been adopted
Unfortunately, this is an enormous loss for “We the People” and a substantial victory for the evil forces that support the system of pharmakia.
SHARE: RejectTheAmendments.com | StopTheTreaty.org
Read full storyJames Roguski
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