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How are white people destroying South Africa?

Home Forums JUST A RANT How are white people destroying South Africa?

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  • #421814
    Nat Quinn

    This Question implies a wrong answer. The contrary seems to be true:

    I lived and worked two years for an UN organisation in East Africa, I travelled there during my vacations, most of my colleagues were black Africans, when I came back home to Germany I got to know a black girl from Botswana (who often went to South Africa and Zimbabwe), she was my girlfriend for over a year. I am not an expert, but I always wanted to understand why so many African countries have failed. I believe the biggest problems of Africa in general are:

    Tribal Thinking and African Socialism

    Experiences about South Africa:

    I knew a male black police officer from South Africa who told me that the police was working much better under white leadership. Afterwards the police was loosing the fight against crime year by year, at the same time the police itself was more often violating human rights and has become more corrupt. He said it isn’t difficult to admit that the country was better of under the rule of a racist white government, but nevertheless that would be the truth.

    I knew two more South Africans: A white male farmer and a white lady working in an office job, they have nothing to do with each other, but both of them told me the same story: On the one hand they do not want to leave their home-country (both were born in South Africa) on the other hand they feel threatened due to rising racism against white people (end to a lesser extend against black foreigners).

    It seems that South Africa has not learned from it’s history, the only way to fight racism is by being colour blind and treating each individual the same. The moment you put people in groups and try make things “just” by acting out reversed racism (some even call it “positive racism”) and / or make people responsible for things their ancestors, or not even their ancestors but only people who look like them, did, you make things worse. Now, with violating this principle South Africa is going down the toilet real fast.

    As horrible as it is, but I want to give one last example that show what happened to South Africa which once was the hope of Africa:

    A female black police officer from South Africa showed me a horrible video. The incident happened on the market place of a small town in South Africa. A group of black people was standing around a stake, on it ,two black children approximately 3 and 6 years old. The crowd shouted at them and burned them alive. The older one managed to get off and walk away from the stake, his hands bound on his back, while his hair was burning, he made only a couple of meters until someone grabbed him and threw him back into the fire where both kids died. What was their crime? They were “foreigners taking away jobs from South Africans”, this is how far South Africa has become it is a total break down of civilization! It is not racist to address this, it is inhumane to say nothing because of the stupid idea that if you speak against a black lead government it would mean you want to justify apartheid. The one has nothing to do with the other.


    source:How are white people destroying South Africa? – Quora


    Oh really now. You not even a South African and you seem to know a policeman. A farmer. A girl friend and now you’ve put all this together. And then you go back to Germany. This is all old stuff you’re talking about we all know this stuff from 30 years ago . Please tell us something new that we don’t know about we’ve figured this out our selves we don’t need help in figuring this stuff that’s happening?

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