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2023-12-20 at 17:10 #433040
Nat Quinn
KeymasterJoe Tippins’s Fenbendazole Protocol For Cancer
Cancer cells. Photo credit: samlevin on Visualhunt.com
The Fenbendazole Cancer Protocol has been gaining rapid interest over the past couple years. Now there are numerous fenbendazole cancer success stories.
The most famous story is of a man who was diagnosed with stage-4 small-cell Lung cancer and was sent home with a 3-month life expectancy. Joe Tippins started taking fenbendazole (Panacur C), a dog de-wormer his veterinarian recommended, with some additional supplements. The following PET scan showed remarkable improvement, and after a few months, he was declared cancer-free.
Here is Joe’s fascinating story. (Refresh this article if the video is slow to appear).
Joseph Clark is yet another early documented story with end stage cancer that fenbendazole eradicated!
Joe Clark writes: “Saying ‘Fenbendazole without vitamins will have very little affect’ wasn’t true for me! I had stage 4 kidney cancer that had spread to my IVC, right atrium of my heart, both lungs, pancreas, hip and spine. In April of 2019, I was deemed terminally ill with six months to live. Last ditch treatment was immunotherapy. I was given 3 half doses and it was determined that I became highly toxic from the treatment which caused pancolitis. Treatment was terminated. The first week of August started taking Fenbendazole, NO vitamins, no CBD. Now second week of October, 2019, MRI scans at Stanford shows my largest tumor in my left kidney was GONE! All other tumors shrinking considerably! Now January, 2020, Stanford MRI scans show no evidence of disease!! (NED) all cancer gone! I’m still taking Fenbendazole 3 days on, four days off, consistently. No vitamins! STANFORD now producing Fenbendazole in their lab for human study! I’m living proof of Fenbendazole treatment with no vitamins. It doesn’t mean they won’t help, but they aren’t needed to kill cancer cells. All my records are proof positive and can be reviewed.” ~Joe (May, 2020)
Later, Joe updates: “I am still cancer-free as of Sept, 2021. See my published story provided by my Stanford Medical Center Team (Dr. Sandy Srinivas). I AM CASE #1 The 63 year old male. https://www.scitechnol.com/peer-review/fenbendazole-enhancing-antitumor-effect-a-case-series-2Kms.php?article_id=14307 I STILL TAKE FENBENDAZOLE 3 DAYS ON, 4 DAYS OFF, 1gr pkg. This is extremely safe to take every day, no days off. No elevated liver enzymes with this protocol. Save your life and don’t let your doctors frighten you that this will harm your liver, It’s just not true! God bless, and good luck.” ~Joe Clark
Here are even more stories (scroll down and click each image to open). Joe Tippin’s blog is My Cancer Story Rocks.
3 Main Mechanisms In Which Fenbendazole Kills Cancer
1) Apoptosis induction. Cancer cells are stopped from dividing by inhibiting cell division (mitosis) and…by inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis), all of which result in tumor eradication. (Source1, Source2)
2) Inhibition of glucose uptake in cancer cells. Malignant cells are known to have an enormous glucose uptake. Cancer cells normally consume glucose 200 times faster than ordinary cells. This can be seen in PET scans – the metabolically active sites, which use more radioactive glucose can be clearly seen. Fenbendazole limits cancer cell fueling with sugar by limiting the glucose uptake, while decreasing the amount of canals that take glucose into the cancer cells from the blood. (Source1, Source2)
3) Reactivation of the p53 gene. There is an increasing number of studies that confirm the fact that fenbendazole might truly increase the strongest tumor suppressor in our bodies – p53. (Source)
“[These] various modes of action mean that there is almost no possibility for cancer cells to develop resistance to the drug. Because it targets several routes, if resistance develops to one mechanism of action, fenbendazole can still affect cancer cells in other ways. Furthermore, fenbendazole may be used with other anticancer treatments owing to its unique mechanism of action and low toxicity.” (source)
Medical Disclaimer: I am no longer a practicing medical professional, and I am not doctor. I am a mother. I do seek scientific confirmation of the safety and effectiveness of the herbs and remedies I use. Using remedies is a personal decision. Nothing I say on this blog is intended to treat or prevent disease. Consult your own doctor.
**I also want to say, I would never encourage someone to do this without gathering more research and working with a functional doctor.
The Current Joe Tippins Protocol
The Joe Tippens Protocol relies mostly on substances that target cancer cells’ weak points. Specifically, cannabidiol (CBD) binds directly to voltage-dependent anion channels (VDAC), curcumin inhibits hexokinase-2 (HK2) and closes VDAC pores, and fenbendazole impairs HK2 by binding to it and through the interaction with the β-tubulin, resulting in cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells (self-destruction). (source) The current Joe Tippins protocol no longer calls for the addition of Vitamin E.
Joe Tippins main treatment protocol for fenbendazole is relatively simple and easy. (source)
1 gram (1 packet) of Panacur C is advised to be taken seven days a week. It is recommended that it should be taken with a meal. The tested FenBen Lab product is option.
2 – 600mg tablets of this Curcumin (turmeric) per day are recommended. This should be taken seven days a week. It also helps by increasing the p53 levels in the body.
25mg of CBD oil everyday. (Each dropper is graduated which allows for easy dosing). To be taken sublingually, under the tongue.
Berberine helps in starving and weakening of the cancer cells so it is recommended to take it 2-3 x/d.
Quercetin is recognized as an anti-inflammation agent, and it is recommended to be taken 1/day.
Vitamin E (optional): 400-800mg per day, seven days a week.
THIS PAGE contains the original protocol; the modified stronger protocol; the protocol for preventing cancer relapse; and the prophylactic protocol for someone who was always cancer-free.
THIS PAGE lists numerous clinical studies favorable to fenbendazole (or mebendazole) and links to read them.
HealNavigator also has an almost identical protocol, and they offer several levels of consultations with medical staff.
For a FREE 30 minute consultation, go here. For a Fenbendazole consultation (at a reasonable $150) go here. (I am not an affiliate in any way). An integrative oncology nurse (RN) will personalize the fenbendazole protocol for your condition.
How Johns Hopkin’s Lab Discovered Fenbendazole Prevented Cancers. Why is Johns Hopkins not shouting this to the rooftops?
What If Your Pet Has Cancer?
This is such a helpful video. Dr. Jones also highlights the human implications. 5 minutes. (Refresh this article if the video is slow to appear).
“Beloved, I pray that in every way you may prosper and enjoy good health, as your soul also prospers.” ~3 John 1:2
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