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Home Forums A SECURITY AND NEWS FORUM ‘Kill The Boer’, that South African chant ‘kill the white’ is 100% WRONG, flat wrong, dangerous & must be stopped! Not far off from the beliefs & chants of America’s modern DEMOCRAT party & SQUAD

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  • #450841
    Nat Quinn

    Julius Malema chanting “kill the Boer”…or Dubula iBhunu…

    These bitches in US congress and senate, the democrats and even some RINOs, work against white people…why? they work against our police, imagine that, the most precious among us…our military…we have people in US congress and senate who are the most anti-American…and I will not be any bit surprised if I hear the same chant from them, in the halls of congress!

    Hell, we hear it in Canada, in the Trudeau leftist government MPs, some NDPs, and hell even some conservatives…

    President Cyril Ramaphosa was wrong to be silent! And don’t get me started for even Mandela was deadly in his reign…put a pin in that…and day and time we will talk about that…the naked aggression against whites…where it is on the backs of whites (and others) but never forget who built America, and Europe and whose blood and sweat lays in the soil…yes, others to, but don’t you try to whitewash whites out of history, like how you have whitewashed the Barbary pirates islamic slave traders (the white slave trade was as brutal and even worse than the black slave trade) who brutalized white people on the Barbary coast in the Mediterranean (Algeria, Tunis/Tunesia, Tripoli, Morocco, Ottoman etc.)…

    EFF 10th Anniversary Rally At FNB Stadium In South Africa
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