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  • #438099
    Nat Quinn

    Several young men have gone to work on farms in the US in the past number of years.

    Most of the prospective farmers use online agencies to place them with the right farmer.

    James Kemp talked to four young farmers about their experience.

    Jans Basson works on a dairy farm in Kansas and he says you should not be afraid of cow manure if you want to work there.

    According to Basson, there is good camaraderie among the men but that it can sometimes feel like a high school dormitory and that you just have to develop a thick skin.

    Jury Cook.
    Jurie Kok works in Mississippi and he says that he sometimes has to lay three kilometers by foot and punch holes in the pipes while the water flows through the pipe.

    And if you don’t cut holes fast enough, the pipes burst. Sometimes it was long days in the hot sun, but there is also often frolicking on the lake with motorboats or fishing.

    Lindenberg Tomlinson says that he was very impressed with the large vehicles on the farms in the USA.

    He was involved in bale work from New Mexico to the western parts of Texas and says that the days sometimes got long.

    Lindenberg Tomlinson.
    Jaco Botha worked on cattle ranches in North Dakota and Montana.

    He says that the English language was not a challenge but that the American vocabulary can sometimes cause confusion. Furthermore, the time difference makes it difficult to stay in touch with loved ones.

    Jaco Botha.
    The farmers also warn that the dollars sometimes feel a lot but that you have to work carefully with the money you make.



    Jans Basson.

    Verskeie jongmans het die afgelope aantal jare op plase in die VSA gaan werk.

    Die meeste van die voornemende boere maak van aanlynagentskappe gebruik om hulle by die regte boer te plaas.

    James Kemp het met vier jong boere oor hulle ervaring gesels.

    Jans Basson werk op `n melkplaas in Kansas en hy sê jy moenie bang wees vir koeimis as jy daar wil werk nie.

    Volgens Basson heers daar goeie kameraadskap onder die manne maar dat dit soms soos `n hoërskoolkoshuis kan voel en dat jy maar `n dik vel moet ontwikkel.

    Jurie Kok.

    Jurie Kok werk in Mississippi en hy vertel dat hy soms drie kilometer se pye moet lê en gaatjies in die pype moet slaan terwyl die water deur die pyp stroom.

    En as jy nie vinnig genoeg gaatjies kap nie bars die pype. Soms was dit lang dae in die warm son maar daar word ook dikwels op die meer baljaar met motorbote of visgevang.

    Lindenberg Tomlinson vertel dat hy baie beindruk was met die groot voertuie op die plase in die VSA.

    Hy was by baalwerk van Nieu-Meksiko tot die westelike dele van Texas betrokke en vertel dat die dae soms lank geraak het.

    Lindenberg Tomlinson.

    Jaco Botha was in Noord-Dakota en Montana op beesplase werksaam.

    Hy sê die Engelse taal was nie `n uitdaging nie maar dat die Amerikaanse woordeskat soms verwarring kan veroorsaak. Verder maak die tydsverskil dit moeilik om met geliefdes in verbining te bly.

    Jaco Botha.

    Die boere waarsku ook dat die dollers soms baie voel maar dat jy moet mooi werk met die geld wat jy maak.


    source:Luister: Hoe ry die boere… in die VSA – Pretoria FM

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