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  • #457832
    Nat Quinn


    – Willie Cloete – Chairman VOLKSKRAG

    Where does our Boer Afrikaner Volk stand regarding Nationalism and Unity.

    Are we still as a Volk united around our Language Afrikaans or have we just given up and accepted English as the language of instruction. Do we just allow our language to be mixed with English?

    Are we still united as a People in our faith and accept the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as our only God? Do we still believe He really is Almighty and involved in our daily lives? — and that Christ is our Savior and can also save us from this multicultural unity in which our people are trapped?

    Are we as a People still bound by our traditions as passed down by our ancestors. Do we still pass it on to our descendants or have we just accepted everything the world dishs up.

    Are we still bound by the fact that we as a People must govern ourselves in our own Fatherland or do we no longer care what happens to us as a People. Should we just go together under the horror of a government under which we were placed by our former leaders.

    Can we still unite as a People and speak and do from one mouth. Is it possible that our leaders are speaking out of one mouth again – not each pursuing their own-ME.

    I talk to several people and others contact me and ask the questions.

    I personally think we as Volk have no choice but to unite, otherwise we will be wiped out as Volk.

    The internecine strife between our people is yet to bring about our downfall. I see there are such slight points of light where people seek to cooperate in dependence on our heavenly Father, but there is no MIGHTY RUMBLING yet.

    Some of our Political Leaders have just thrown in the towel and are fighting in coalitions with pagans and liberals. They put their hope in the fact that we as a People will survive in this way. They make the biggest mistake imaginable and they cause us as a people to assimilate with everyone and so destroy our Nation.

    Now I want to ask: do we still have the manpower to say we are now fed up with the circumstances where we are being pushed in.

    We as a People need to make a paradigm shift in our heads: do we want to exist as a People or are we just going to lie that we are being stepped on at will.

    We are a People with a rich history — that we do not lie down, but fight back when we are pushed into a corner.

    People’s Power Movement calls everyone to stand up now and as a unit to come out under the current comunistic/liberal government and stand firm in our belief that we want to exist as a People in the land given to us by God.

    Contact us at Willie.Cloete@volkskrag.co.za as groups or individuals that there are joined together that which belong together out of inner conviction.


    source:NATIONALISM/UNITY OF OUR PEOPLE – People’s Power News (volkskrag.co.za)

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