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Home Forums VACCINE INJURIES AND INFORMATION NATURAL REMEDIES: Complete List Against EMF’s & Shedding [REVISED]-…. This list is not exhaustive and will be updated.

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  • #435703
    Nat Quinn

    NATURAL REMEDIES: Complete List Against EMF’s & Shedding [REVISED] 🌿🌿🌿

    🍊Vitamin C 5000mg (‘ Rona) —10000 mg (worsening ‘Rona)
    🍊Vitamin D, especially D3 if sick
    🍊Vit B1
    🍊Vit K (helps absorb Vit D)
    🍊Melatonin 9mg at night
    🍊St John’s Wort
    🍊Artemisa /Wormwood tincture or tea
    🍊Ashwaganda or Reishi #shrooms
    🍊Cayenne Pepper
    🍊Himalayan Salt
    🍊Seaweed / Kelp
    🍊Colloidal Silver (use also 4 nebulizing & as nasal spray & rinse /throat spray for sore throat)
    🍊Borax (can drink a pinch p/day or use as nasal rinse)
    🍊⚠IVERMECTIN⚠ very important, it works!! See attached dosage charts
    🍊Hydroxychloroquine / homemade Quinine (also, Tonic water)
    🍊Pine Needle Tea /Oil
    🍊Reservatol “Reverse-It-All” 😉
    🍊Nettle tincture /Tea
    🍊Dandelion roots /flowers / tincture /tea
    🍊Anise tea
    🍊Liquorice root /tincture /tea
    🍊Fennel seeds
    🍊Bromelian (helps with breathing)
    🍊MMS (drink or use with nebulizing ⚠Caution advised!!)
    🍊Good Multivitamin
    🍊Good Probiotic
    🍊Activated Charcoal Capsules / Powder (detox)

    ⛑Desloratidine – anti-histamine that you have to use with Ivermectin
    ⛑Antibiotics – If you develop a secondary bacterial infection in week 2-3
    ⛑Aspirin for aches & pains, fever and to prevent blood clots
    ⛑If indicated due to certain co-morbidities, you may need anti-coagulant therapy, pills or injections. It is wise to start these pro-actively and any worthy practitioner should suggest it.
    ⛑If you are on Prozac or it’s generics, you might want to hold off weaning from it. Because of the serotonin pathway Prozac actually assists in fighting ‘Rona!
    ⛑Immediately stop using nexium and generic PPI’ s (proton pump inhibitors) as they have a direct connection with worse ‘Rona outcomes.
    ⛑Phenergan💥💯 – Stops inflammatory lung damage early!

    🛁Bath detox – Morgellons /NANO particles /(Dis) Ease

    Equal amounts:
    🚿Himalayan salt – Coarse organic
    🚿Epsom Salts
    🚿Borax powder
    🚿Sea salt – Coarse organic
    🚿Bentonite Clay
    🚿Baking soda
    🚿Use Castille Peppermint Soap
    🚿Add Essential oils you prefer

    🔊EMF /5G:

    🔈Orgonite /Shungite crystals
    🔈Switch off all devices before bed-time
    🔈Iodine, Kelp, Seaweed
    🔈Grounding /Earthing regularly
    🔈Oil of Oregano
    🔈 Black Cumin Oil


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