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2023-08-17 at 22:07 #416611Nat QuinnKeymaster
Rudi Claase, SA-liedjieskrywer en sanger het gister in ‘n video-opname gewaarsku oor ‘n nuwe Covid-verwante virus waarmee hy gediagnoseer is.
Die sanger is gisteraand in ‘n hospitaal opgeneem.
Volgens die plasing het hy lae saturasievlakke en is baie siek.
Suzette Claase sê in ‘n plasing die sanger het vir die afgelope dire weke griepsimptome gehad en het antibiotika vir bronchitis gebruik. Volgens haar het sy toestand Sondag vererger en die dokter het verdere toetse gedoen.
Hy is met virale longontsteking in die hospitaal opgeneem en kry tans suurstof. Meer toetse sal gedoen word waarvan die uitslae afgewag word.
Suzette Claase, Rudi se vrou, het so pas as volg oor sy gesondheid op sosiale media berig:
RUDI UPDATE………. Wees asb. geduldig met my, ek tik baie beter in Engels.
Thank you to all the messages of support that we have received, there are just too many to answer individually, so I am just going to do it here.
Rudi Claase
has had on and off flu symptoms for about 3 weeks now and has been on a steady dose of antibiotics, being treated for bronchitis. He took a turn for the worse on Sunday and the docter did further tests to figure out why he was not getting better.
He was admitted into hospital last night for viral pneumonia and is currently on oxygen and meds. More tests are being done as well as X-Rays and scans to see what effects there are on his lungs (we are still awaiting the outcome).
Rudi did place 1 or 2 videos yesterday, and his fans have been incredibly supportive……what did shock me is how hateful some keyboard warriors are. From accusations about lying and acting, to telling him to just die and get it over with……..does it even resonate to you that these comments are hurtful but also puts a stain on YOU and YOUR family.
Rudi gets bashed for his opinions and thoughts and friendships, but what some of the haters do, is so much worse and it is acceptable because you don’t have the entire country reading the filth that spews out of your pen. Your hate is not a reflection of my husband, your hate is a reflection of how ugly and black your hearts are. Unfortunately, most of these haters are also Christians that are very quick to pass the hammer to bash those nails into his soul.
For the supporters and the people that do love and follow him, thank you!! Rudi is very ill and we will keep you updated of progress as it happens.
It is absolutely heartbreaking to see how ill you really are, and it is even worse to stand by helplessly waiting for answers. My angel, you are in incredible hands and we WILL get through this. I love you endlessly xx
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