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2023-02-21 at 21:32 #394477
Nat Quinn
Our society offers so much. If I am lonely or depressed, if I feel empty and unfulfilled, there are film shows, television programmes, DVDs, music, stories, plots, drama, action, thrillers, romance, whodunits, adventure, you name it, we’ve got it. Slow music, rock, classic, pop, rap, hip hop, rave, metal, or underground? Perhaps you need to go to a disco, or night club, or a trance party. Lights, noise, laughter, rhythm, music, people… yes, people. But why are there so many empty and artificial people around? They seem so false. They also look lonely. Why?
Try some magazines, the newspaper, or the Internet. Wars, political intrigue, crime, inflation, scandals, skip that… what’s on at the movies? I wonder why I feel so empty inside? I feel nothing as I read of the starving millions, of war victims, terrorism and murders. Why do I care so little about other people? It could’ve been me… Let’s see what DSTV has to offer. Try binging another Netflix series, that might work.
I feel I’m getting more and more empty and frustrated inside. I think so much less than I used to. I do so little. Visit our relatives? Goodness no, we’ll miss that T.V. programme and besides, what is there to talk about? Pour another drink, put on another CD for background music. Light up a cigarette, yes, I know it is unhealthy, I know my lungs are being corroded away and I cough so much. I will try to kick the habit next week.
Why am I so restless, so ill at ease? Let’s try the amusement park, circus or gambling. Bright lights, beautiful colours, noise, music, laughter, crowds… yes, people! But, why does life seem so meaningless and pointless? I feel like a merry-go-round. I’m not getting anywhere. Let’s go to the casino. Try the one-armed bandits and Lotto. Some lose, some gain, but I come away feeling empty. Could I be wasting my time?
PlayStation 3! Xbox 1! Computer games are fun… but why do I feel like I’m wasting my time? My life seems to lack direction. There is no real purpose in life. Gambling seems to be a tax on those who cannot do maths. Cards, race horses, games! Life seems to be one big game. Have you heard the latest joke? Why am I afraid of silence? I’m afraid to be alone. Where’s my cell phone? Who can I SMS or WhatsApp?
The T.V. can help me kill time. The radio, iPhone, MP3 player, iPod and cell phone must crowd out those restless thoughts within me. Who am I? What am I doing here? Where am I going? Try some make-believe: put on another series. Let’s “google” something on the Internet. What am I so afraid of? Why do I need so much noise and so many gadgets and amusements to keep me occupied? Why am I so empty inside? My life seems to be controlled and manipulated by this pleasure-mad, entertainment-orientated world. Advertising offers so much; it all sounds so good, but it is so disappointing. I feel like my soul’s been ransacked and all the meaning and identity has been robbed from my life. Life is so plastic and artificial.
God, is this the way it’s meant to be? You never made the world this way, did You? Why do I feel so dead inside? Is it because I’ve tried to live without You? I know I haven’t paid much attention to the Bible – would that have helped? I suppose I should get into nature more. Would prayer help? I feel like I’ve been missing out on what life is really meant to be. It’s like I’ve let this synthetic society rape me of all reality and peace of mind. Can You forgive me for all these wasted, misused years? Will You show me a better way to live? Please fill this empty void in my life with reality and love.
I’ve been existing when I should have been living. I’ve been playing when I should have been praying. I’ve been reading the newspaper and surfing the Internet when I should have been reading the Bible, I’ve listened to the radio and my iPod instead of to You. Oh God, forgive me, I have spent more time watching T.V. than helping your creatures. No wonder my life has been so empty and frustrating. I have wasted my time and money on worthless man-made make-believe. My life and talents have rotted away while I have endured electronic mass-production entertainment and digital distractions.
Thank You for showing me life as it really is in the Bible.
Thank You for showing me what it can be. Thank You, Jesus, for showing me the way: what an example You are! Help me to live an unselfish life serving You and Your creation. Thank You for the beautiful forests and mountains! Thank You for clean country air and lively animals in the game parks. I enjoy being alone now. You are there. I am different now, You have changed me. Since I surrendered my life to You, You have shown me how much You love me. You even came as a human being to die the death I deserve. Thank You for taking my punishment in order to free me from this selfish, sinful life I have been wasting my life on.
Lord Jesus, Thank You for giving my life meaning, purpose and direction. I find that I do not need artificial stimulation from entertainment and make-believe anymore. I like people now; they do not threaten me anymore. I want to help them. Things are so different already. I feel like I have been freed from slavery.
You have given me a New Start in life and a New Life to start.
“You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13
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