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2024-05-30 at 16:10 #451164
Nat Quinn
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Corporations, corporations everywhere but none of them are real!
Virtually everything has been corporatized, including governments, as mentioned, healthcare systems and health regulatory agencies, legal systems, education systems, banking and financial systems, economic systems, agricultural systems, judicial systems, religious institutions, the media, and other entities. But corporations are fictions. They are names which have been given rights, responsibilities, and authority, which of course is impossible. Corporations thus do not exist, yet the people are obligated to obey their statutes (‘laws’) above the most important of all commandments, Divine Commandments. The primary corporate idol that the people of virtually all countries are forced to obey is the government corporation. However, as mentioned, the Vatican corporation ultimately owns and controls all corporations, including Republic of South Africa Inc. and the Luciferian Cult owns the Vatican corporation.
We refer to the Cult in various ways, including the J J J Cabal (Judeo-Jesuit-Jinn Cabal), the Z J J Cabal (Zio-Jesuit-Jinn Cabal), the Totalitarian Beast and the Globalist Beast. This death cult of satanic humans and demons, which is the root cause of all the evil and chaos in the world, has infiltrated and taken control of all countries which is why almost all governments and politicians, monarchies, religious and academic organizations and institutions, NGO’s and other entities are under its control, and it is managing all corporations for its own benefit and to the detriment and destruction of humanity. Satanism is a severe psycho-spiritual sickness, and the head demon who controls and directs the cult is the devil himself who is also known as Lucifer or Satan, as mentioned.
See Luciferian Corporatism – Part 1: A fiction which has rights and authority!
Denial that Republic of South Africa is a corporation
There are people who have denied that Republic of South Africa is a corporation, including people who worked in its National Treasury. In this video, I address this issue and show that the evidence is clear that Republic of South Africa is indeed a corporate entity. As mentioned, South Africa as a Constitutional Republic was replaced with a Democracy and has now, inevitably, degenerated into a Corporate Dictatorship (Corporate Communist state) with the endgame being Totalitarian Technocracy (Totalitarian Technocratic state), which, in my view, is essentially global Corporate Communism on steroids as all in its grip will be disempowered and depopulated! Not that humanity is not already largely disempowered and being depopulated, of course. The point is that when the final stage is entered, the level of disempowerment and depopulation will be stratospheric. What we are witnessing is the unfolding of the Globalist Agenda for a Technocratic, Transhumanist New World Order. A totalitarian new world. We are transitioning into this worldwide dystopia right now. It is also called Stakeholder Capitalism by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum. However, since the modus operandi of diabolical minds is deception, Stakeholder Capitalism is, in reality, Stakeholder Communism, and is also called the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Who are the members of a corporation?
The corporation is made up of shareholders, directors, officers, and employees. Shareholders are the owners of the corporation. Directors undertake the high-level management and decision-making for the corporation. Officers (and their subordinate employees) run the daily operations of the corporation. Each member of the corporation has specific rights and duties attached to her position. These rights and duties can become confusing when a single individual holds more than one position (such as shareholder, directors, and officer) of the corporation. https://thebusinessprofessor.
com/en_US/business-governance/ members-of-a-corporation The members, directors and officers listed in this video are most likely shareholders of Republic of South Africa Inc. but its ultimate owner is the Luciferian Cult. The Cult owns and controls the international financial system, including the Bank of International Settlements, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund and has indebted virtually all governments to such a degree that its fake loans cannot be repaid. Humanity is financially enslaved, and most people and their children will die in this state of enslavement unless people CounterAct this evil now. Tragically, it seems most people are too far gone to even care. I hope I am wrong, of course.
A brief overview of the South African Legal System
What is law and from whence does it specifically come from within the perspective of the South African legal system? In essence the ‘Law’ is simply a set of man-made rules which control the way people behave or conduct their lives. There are three main kinds of laws – Constitutional law, Criminal law, and Civil law. Law is derived from several sources, namely the Constitution, Statute law, Common law, Customary law, and Court decisions.
The Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996 (Act 108 of 1996) (“the Constitution”), is the supreme law of the corporation, Republic of South Africa, and was written by a multi-party Constitutional Assembly and given force of law by Parliament in 1996. It provides, among other things, how the three branches of government, namely the Legislature (Parliament, provincial legislatures, and municipal councils), the Executive Authority and the Judicial Authority should conduct their business. The Constitution includes a Bill of Rights, a list of human rights which, in theory, lays the foundation for all laws. I say ‘In theory’ since the Bill of Rights is not always respected, and seemingly not even recognized by the judiciary. Although it is claimed by government representatives that South Africans love their rights and freedoms, the truth is that South Africans are ripped off by a fraudulent, usury-based financial system, harmed and killed by a pseudo medicine-based militarized healthcare system and were locked down and had their lives and businesses destroyed by a fake pandemic during which they were told to take a harmful and deadly injection said to be a vaccine which would protect them against a virus which no one anywhere on the planet proved existed, to highlight a few examples of the violation of the rights of the people by those whom they believe are there to ensure their safety and wellbeing. And how free are people who are forced to worship a corporate idol with its satanic statutes? In my personal experience I did not have the protection of the Bill of Rights in my battles against the banksters who control the fraudulent financial system. The reality is that the Constitution not only protects and enforces the fraudulent financial system but also the deadly allopathic ‘healthcare’ system and other destructive systems. The judiciary seems to be largely under the control of forces and factors above it. I coined the term, ‘Epi-juristics’, to describe this evil. In any case, let us move on.
The South African Parliament is the highest law-making body in the country. Parliamentarians write the statutes which constitute Statutory law. South African Company Law is a set of rules which regulate corporate entities which are formed under the Companies Act. Company or Corporate law is that aspect of law which controls the rights, behavior and relations of legal persons, companies, organizations, and businesses. It is the legal practice relating to corporations and includes their formation, funding, governance, and termination. Common law was brought to South Africa by the Dutch and English settlers while Customary law is mostly unwritten and derived from the traditional or habitual practices of communities. Criminal law, on the other hand, indicates which behaviors are crimes and are punishable when committed. Crimes are seen as a wrong having been done against the State and can be committed from a Common law perspective (such as theft for example) or statutory perspective (such as the violation of a Statute or Act). And finally, Civil law deals with interpersonal relationships i.e. it indicates what the rights and responsibilities are of people when they interact or engage with each other.
The Legislative Process
Chapter 4 of the Constitution sets out the national legislative process and determines that Parliament is the national legislature (lawmaking body) of the Republic. Both Houses of Parliament, namely the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces (NCOP), play a role in this process.
Thus, people created the corporate idol called Republic of South Africa and then gave it rights, responsibilities, and authority over them! These rights, responsibilities and authority are recorded in the document called ‘the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.’
See a complete description of the Legislative Process here
Difference between Divine Law and Divine Commandment
Law and Commandment are often taken to be the same thing. Synonyms for the latter include order, ruling, act, statute, proclamation, decree, edict, mandate, ordinance, regulation, demand, and law itself among others. Although Law is believed to be synonymous with Commandment, it is not. Man cannot make Law. It is Divine in origin. It was spoken into existence right at the very beginning by the Almighty Creator of the universe Himself. Examples of Divine Law include the Law of Cause and Effect, the Law of Mentalism, and the Law of Correspondence. The Almighty also spoke His Commandments into existence, such as the Ten Commandments for example.
The term jurisdiction means ‘to speak the law’ or ‘to say what the law is.’ (juris is Latin for law and dictere is Latin for dictate or speak). And since the Almighty spoke His Law and Commandments into existence, we are born into His jurisdiction, namely Divine Jurisdiction. Since people have free will, they are free to obey, disobey or ignore Divine Commandments. However, Divine Law is binding and immutable. It cannot be escaped, and it cannot be changed. When Divine Commandments are obeyed, positive consequences flow from such obedience. On the other hand, when Divine Commandments are disobeyed negative consequences follow. This is Divine Law in operation. For example, the Divine Commandment is to eat what is lawful and good from the earth. Obedience to this commandment results in good health. On the other hand, eating artificial food such as processed food or genetically modified food results in ill health or even death. This is the Law. Similarly, obedience to corporate statutes which violate Divine Commandments is disobedience to Divine Commandments, and such disobedience leads to negative consequences. On the other hand, obedience to Divine Commandments leads to positive consequences. It is not surprising then that the Cult’s goal of madness and mayhem in the world has been achieved since it has programmed humanity to disobey or ignore Divine Commandments and obey satanic rules, regulations, and statutes. And out of this chaos and evil is arising its New World Order. ‘Ordo Ab Chao’ is the motto of the Luciferian Cult. It means Order out of chaos.
Difference between Act and Law in the Satanic System
According to keydifferences.com:
Law implies a system of rules, recognized by a country to regulate the actions of the citizens. On the other hand, Act is that segment of legislation, that deals with specific circumstances and people. Many use the two legal terms interchangeably, but there is notable difference between Act and Law, as the former is a subset of the latter. An Act alludes to the statutes created by the legislature that concentrates on a particular subject and contains provisions relating to it. It is a bill that is passed by both the houses of parliament and is specific in nature. It outlines Why and How laws are enforced, and its objective is to let people know about the rules and regulations about specific situations. Law, on the other hand, refers to the principles and rules that govern the affairs of the society, created, and enforced by the stipulated authority. It is an established phenomenon and is generic in nature. It outlines what should be and what should not be done, and its objective is to protect people from unfair practices and to maintain public order.
The corporation’s constitution supersedes Divine Commandments and grants rights to fictions!
In the Founding Provisions (Chapter 1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa 1996, it states, ‘This Constitution is the supreme law of the Republic; law or conduct inconsistent with it is invalid, and the obligations imposed by it must be fulfilled.’
And in the Bill of Rights (Chapter 2) under the ‘Application’, it states, ‘A juristic person is entitled to the rights in the Bill of Rights to the extent required by the nature of the rights and the nature of that juristic person.’
Acts which violate Divine commandments
Let us have a look at a few diabolical Acts which violate Divine Commandments and which the people are forced to accept and obey.
1. The National Health Act
I have spoken about and published extensively on the dysfunctional healthcare system and the healthcare crisis both in South Africa and across the world. Below are links to some of my content in this regard, including my webinar on Allopathy versus Holistic Balance. Allopathic medicine is not real medicine but pseudo-medicine. It is weaponized medicine and has caused, and continues to cause, not only much harm to multitudes but has also killed, and continues to kill, multitudes. In fact, the healthcare system is militarized. Evidence shows that the Covid-19 Deception was a global military operation conducted by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) the central research and development organization for the United States Department of Defense.
The NHI, Pseudo medicine and the Technocratic Takeover and Militarization of Healthcare
From Nixon’s war on cancer to turbo cancer
Transhumanism and the weaponization of medicine
Are vaccine-pushing allopaths quacks?
Your Chronic Illness to be Used to Digitally Enslave You Through AI!
CounterAct Discussions: Episode 2 – Transhumanism, Wireless Body Area Networks
Mother of all Vaccines (MOAV) leads to Mother of all Revelation (MOAR)
Luciferian Corporatism – Part 2: Competition is a sin. Corporatism in healthcare.
Luciferian Corporatism – Part 12: Diabolical doctors and Who is lying to you all the time?
LIVE: On LovinglifeTV – The amazing world of “frequencies”
Technocracy, Transhumanism and the Artificial Agenda. Webinar hosted June 2021.
2023-04-07 A Discussion with Dr Ana Mihalcea on Transhumanism and EDTA Chelation
2023-3-23 Vaccines – Dangerous Ingredients and Neurological Adverse Effects
2023-02-18 LIVE: All Vaccines Cause Harm
2023-02-14 LIVE: Jacqui Meyer & Faiez Kirsten on the great deception
A Call to Stop the Vaccine Rollout – January 2021
2021-07-05 Excerpt from a Discussion on the Technocratic Takeover of Healthcare
2022 – 10 – 22 Allopathy and the Artificial Agenda
2022-09-27 Perhaps the Greatest Miscarriage of Medical Science we Will Witness in Our Lifetime
2022-08-21 The End of Artificial Medicine?
2022-06-12 Myths that Generate the Global Health Crisis
2. The National Health Insurance (NHI) Act
On Wednesday, 14th May, 2024 President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the NHI Bill into law while emphasizing the importance of the NHI in providing equal access to healthcare services and addressing inequalities. According to him, “The Bill is also about efficiency and quality. The provision of healthcare in this country is currently fragmented, unsustainable, and unacceptable,”
The NHI is an aspect of the Globalist Agenda for a technocratic, transhumanist, New World Order, which is global totalitarianism. The plan is the complete and utter control of every aspect of the life of every individual on the planet who is not part of the Luciferian Cult and its minions. The NHI is part of the implementation of this communist agenda here in South Africa which is the complete takeover and centralized control of the healthcare system within the country as part of the takeover and centralized control of healthcare worldwide through the WHO. It is the complete cessation of recognition of the divinely bestowed, unalienable human rights of every man, woman and child who is not a part of the satanic globalist cult.
My assessment of the NHI is provided in this Substack article.
3. The Usury Act
The Usury Amendment Act, 1988 states: ‘
To amend the Usury Act, 1968, so as to further regulate the application of the Act in respect of credit transactions and leasing transactions; to extend the particulars to be stated in instruments of debt; to regulate the recovery and disclosure of finance charges where a variable or non-variable finance charge rate is agreed upon at the conclusion of a contract; to provide for the recovery of certain moneys not permitted by section 5 of the Act; to grant to the Minister the power to exempt certain credit transactions and leasing transactions from the application of the Act; and to increase certain penalties; and to provide for matters connected therewith.’
The term ‘riba’ is an Arabic term which denotes any form of excess compensation or unfair advantage obtained from a loan or exchange of goods. Why does the Almighty expressly prohibit paying or charging riba, or promoting riba and administering riba transactions? The reasons can be found here.
It should be noted that in the satanic system all bank loans are fraudulent. They are in fact fictions. There are no loans in the Cult’s deceptive financial system and so no repayment of principal nor payment of interest is due to any bank operating in this system.
See also There is no debt in Luciferian jurisdiction.
Diabolical minds wrote the constitution
One of my sayings is, “Deception is the modus operandi of diabolical minds.” Not only did those who wrote the constitution legislate in violation of Divine Commandments, they also deceptively enabled foreign agents to purchase property in the country which is unaffordable for most who were born here. The video below explains this situation.
We have seen that one of the members of Republic of South Africa is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and this article entitled, ‘Bill Gates Isn’t a Farmer, So Why Is He Buying So Much Farmland? A Famous Native American Leader Calls Him Out,’ indicates that this diabolical individual who is not a farmer has purchased vast tracts of land in the United States. Has he and his ilk done the same in South Africa as a means of removing people from the rural areas and concentrating them in the cities as part of their global depopulation strategy and planned takeover of the world?
Plutocracy, corporatocracy and criminocracy
South Africa is not only a theocracy, but a plutocracy, corporatocracy and criminocracy too! The definition of corporatocracy is as follows:
Corporatocracy (/
ˌkɔːrpərəˈtɒkrəsi/,from corpor ate and Greek: -κρατία, romani zed: -kratía, lit. ’domination by’; short form corpocracy[1]) Corporatocracy is an economic, political, and judicial system controlled by business corporations or corporate interests. The concept has been used in explanations of bank bailouts, excessive pay for CEOs, as well as complaints such as the exploitation of national treasuries, people, and natural resources.
Net Asset Value versus Net Psycho-spiritual Value
As mentioned, one of my unfinished works is entitled, ‘Paper Gods – How Fictions are Used to Empower the Few and Destroy the Many.’ When I say ‘empower the few’ I mean financially. Certainly, those who control the world are super wealthy financially. They are plutocrats who own and control virtually all governments. Billionaires and trillionaires in terms of money and material possessions. Their Net Asset Value is extremely high. Estimated to be in the billions and trillions of dollars. They have a very high material worth. However, from a psycho-spiritual perspective these people are extremely impoverished. Their Net Psycho-Spiritual Value is very low, and very likely even zero. They are psycho-spiritually worthless. They are of absolutely no use to humanity. As we have said, Satanism is a severe psycho-spiritual sickness. This is reflected in the chaos and carnage the satanic globalist cabal causes in the world. Their motto is ’Ordo Ab Chao.’ Order out of Chaos. They create chaos in the world to bring about their New World Order. And although this Luciferian Cult includes members of the Black Nobility Papal and Royal Bloodlines of Europe, in my view it should be referred to as the Black Low-bility. The Cult is the lowest of the low. These Luciferians are the enemies of humankind.
South Africa is a failed theocratic state
According to ThoughtCo,
a failed state is a government that has become incapable of providing the basic functions and responsibilities of a sovereign nation, such as military defense, law enforcement, justice, education, or economic stability. Common characteristics of failed states include ongoing civil violence, corruption, crime, poverty, illiteracy, and crumbling infrastructure. Even if a state is functioning properly, it can fail if it loses credibility and the trust of the people.
Despite the evidence being clear, many still deny that South Africa is a failed state. To solve a problem, it must be acknowledged that there is a problem in the first place. Denying or ignoring it will not solve it but will likely result in it getting worse.
The Dark Secret Corporations Don’t Want You to Know
See Luciferianism and Luciferian Corporatism in action
Divinocracy versus Theocracy
The solution to the unfolding totalitarian takeover of the world is to exit the satanic system, implement a Divinocracy, which is rule by the Divine, i.e. rule based on Divine Commandments including the prohibition of blasphemy, stealing and unjust killing amongst others, and build new systems based on this rule. We need to build a culture of authenticity, the pursuit of truth and justice and spiritual consciousness for the attainment of a world which honors the Almighty Creator and respects His creation. But a discussion of this topic is beyond the scope of this piece.
Thank you for reading this. Appreciated.
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